
Animation industry, institutional policy, incubation centers, student engagement, faculty involvement, IP management.


The aim of this study was to provide guidelines to setting up business incubation study programs in higher education for the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship activities in the field of animation. This study examined the relationship between business incubation program implementation, institutional policies, student engagement, faculty involvement, intellectual property (IP) management, and animation major relevant innovation and entrepreneurship activities to achieve its goals. Data collection was carried out from Chinese universities by using a survey questionnaire and results were obtained by using statistical tool in which Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was carried out. This study believed that incubation centers in the field of animation at higher education institutions can perform better to promote innovation and entrepreneurship success by concentrating on student engagement, faculty involvement and IP management practices along with the supportive institutional policies and proper implementation of strategy. Consequently, this study has significant importance for the policymakers to promote animation major among students by considering the results of the current study. Policymakers can promote animation major through the promotion of incubation centers in Chinese higher educational institutions.


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Undergraduate Education and Teaching Research Major Project of Fujian Province of P.R. China (No. FBJG20230001).


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Received: 2023-05-25 | Reviewed: 2023-06-21 | Accepted: 2023-09-01 | Online First: 2024-01-16 | Published: 2024-03-31


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Zeling., Xiaohui Huang., Jie Zhou. (2024). Business Incubation Study Programs to Promote Innovation and Entrepreneurship Activities in Animation Major . Comunicar, 32(78). 10.58262/V32I78.10



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