Ключевые слова

Information society, communication media, news, «soft news»


The information society has seen the power of the media increase in size and influence. Advances in technology allow for the instantaneous transmission of vast amounts of information across the planet. However, despite the amount of information and media resources available, many of us question the extent of how informed we really are. Among the range of media, television holds supreme and imposes its rules on other media forms. Within this study the television genre of the news is analysed focusing on the role of the so called «soft news» or «other news» along with the function they perform in the transmission of the dominant social values.


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Как процитировать

Digón-Regueiro, P. (2005). «Other news» and spanish news: an analysis's proposal. [Las «otras noticias» y los telediarios españoles: una propuesta de análisis]. Comunicar, 25. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-141



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