Narratives, readings, audiovisual culture, technoculture, new languages, orality
Multicultural society today is much more than just ethnic diversity. It is important to recognize that heterogeneity is composed by a wide array of factors such as literacy, oralities and audiovisual and digital culture. This article argues that current technocultural transformations in communication can alter the persistent monopolic hierarchies of public expression and thought. These transformations in turn are allowing individuals and communities, especially in Latin America, to introduce everyday oral, sound and visual cultures into new languages and new writings that give substance to contemporary communicational ecosystems.
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This work has no financial support
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Sánchez-López, I., Pérez-Rodríguez, A., Fandos-Igado, M.. Com-educational platforms: Creativity, community for learning), Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, .
Sanchez-Lopez, I., Perez-Rodriguez, A., Fandos-Igado, M. . The explosion of digital storytelling. Creator's perspective and creative processes on new narrative forms), Heliyon, .
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Martín-Barbero, J. (2008). The explosion of narratives and the multiplication of readings. [Estallido de los relatos y pluralización de las lecturas]. Comunicar, 30, 15-20.