根据纳尔的近作“文化上的需求:在危机世界中的沟通”(2007年),作者认为,听众是所有形式的人类交流中的积极参与者,本文捍卫了在当今社会的传媒交流和文化研究中,人类表达和能力象征的重要性。还讨论了现在通讯科技如何增强了普通公民在日常生活规范下的表达潜能,并且引入《open sourcing》的概念,以增加通讯过程和全球规模的社会权利分布日益民主化。
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引述 Web of Science
Luengo Cruz, Maria. From the effects of the media to cultural influence: analytical foundations for a symbolical interpretation of the news ANALISI-QUADERNS DE COMUNICACIO I CULTURA, 2009.
Aguaded Gomez, Jose Ignacio; Sanchez Carrero, Jacqueline. The digital empowerment of children and youth through audiovisual production ADCOMUNICA-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE ESTRATEGIAS TENDENCIAS E INNOVACION EN COMMUNICACION, 2013.
Neira Cruz, Xose Antonio. Literacy media and social integration of the elderly prison population REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2016.
引述 Scopus
Neira Cruz, X.A.. Literacy media, social integration of the elderly prison population [Alfabetización mediática e integración social de la población reclusa anciana]), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .
Mun̈oz-Repiso, A.G.-V., Tejedor, F.J.T.. Evaluation of school innovation processes based on ICT development in the Comunidad de Castilla y Lën), Revista de Educacion, .
引述 Google Scholar
Lull, J. (2008). The active pleasures of expression and communication. [Los placeres activos de expresar y comunicar]. Comunicar, 30, 21-26. https://doi.org/10.3916/c30-2008-01-003