Ключевые слова
Screens, audiences, cultural habits, readers, Internet users
How do new screens –like iPhone or mobile phone’s– interact with their technological ancestors, such as television, cinema or video? Recent research activities in many countries reveal that audiovisual circulation and consumption habits let us argue that new media are not substituting the older ones. In fact, audience diversification exists, industries merge and even a new relationship is established with literate culture. We still read but in many different ways, and new connections emerge among readers, spectators and internet users.
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Цитаты в Web of Science
Hernandez-Herrera, Maria; Batista, Arianni; Gonzalez, Daniel. From digital cinema to cloud computing in the film consumption of young Ecuadorians CUADERNOS INFO, 2019.
Garcia-Alonso Montoya, Pedro. Media are looking for new business model HISTORIA Y COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2014.
Sandoval Romero, Yamile; Aguaded Gomez, Jose Ignacio. NEW HEARINGS, NEW RESPONSIBILITIES. The media competition in the era of digital convergence REVISTA ICONO 14-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE COMUNICACION Y TECNOLOGIAS, 2012.
Vicente Garcia-Santamaria, Jose. The crisis of investigative Journalism in Spain. The journalism practice in the Spanair accident REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2010.
Цитаты в Scopus
Arango-Forero, G.A.. Young audiences fragmentation in a multimedia media environment: The Colombian case [Fragmentación de audiencias juveniles en un ambiente comunicativo multimedial: el caso colombiano]), Observatorio, .
García-Alonso Montoya, P.. Media are looking for new business model [La empresa informativa busca nuevos modelos de negocio]), Historia y Comunicacion Social, .
García-Alonso Montoya, P.. Media are looking for new business model [La empresa informativa busca nuevos modelos de negocio]), Ilu, .
Roncallo-Dow, S., Arango-Forero, G.. Introducing three dimensions of Audience fragmentation), Signo y Pensamiento, .
Hernández-Herrera, M., Batista, A., González, D.. From digital cinema to cloud computing in the film consumption of young Ecuadorians), Cuadernos.info, .
Barro, M.J.F., Rodríguez, J.J.V.. Morphology, interactivity of the contents in the applications of Latin American television [Morfología e interactividad de los contenidos en las aplicaciones de las televisiones LatinoAmericanas]), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .
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García-Canclini, N. (2008). Books, screens and audiences: what is changing. [Libros, pantallas y audiencias: ¿qué está cambiando?]. Comunicar, 30, 27-32. https://doi.org/10.3916/c30-2008-01-004