Ключевые слова
Television genre, cultural and national identity, globalization, interculturality, communication and television, television fiction
This paper describes a current research integrated in an international and interdisciplinary project and developed in a global environment between two different tendencies: integration and desintegration. In this scenary, television narrative arises as an essential tool to create and consolidate new cultural identities in order to get a popular narrative on the concept of nation.
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Цитаты в Scopus
Lacalle, C., Hidalgo-Marí, T.. Evolution of family representations in Spanish fiction television [La evolución de la familia en la ficción televisiva española]), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .
Amaya, J.. The screen reminds us: The construction of cultural memory in the Cuban telenovela 2000-2012 [La pantalla nos recuerda: La construcción de la memoria cultural en la telenovela Cubana 2000-2012]), Foro Hispanico, .
Castro, D., Straubhaar, J.D.. Social issues, TV scripted fiction: An exploration of fans' feedback in Spain), International Journal of Communication, .
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Vassallo-de-Lopes, M. (2008). Television and narratives: cultural identities in globalization age. [Televisiones y narraciones: las identidades culturales en tiempos de globalización]. Comunicar, 30, 35-41. https://doi.org/10.3916/c30-2008-01-005