
Televisión, cultural capital, school capital, children audience, television learning


The article revisits the old debate about media influence, focusing on whether children learn from television or not. It argues that TV per se does not guarantee that a child will build knowledge because mediations connected to family members, peers, or school teachers are necessary to activate learning processes. From this perspective the issue of media influence is related to cultural and school capital and to impersonal communication. Attention is drawn to the contribution of the media to the child’s acquisition of cultural capital.


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Serna Collazos, Andrea; Hernandez Garcia, Mauricio; Sandoval-Romero, Yamile; Manrique-Grisales, Jorge. Cultural Media Consumption Practices in Young Colombian Students: A Pilot Study DIXIT, 2018.

Gordo Contreras, Aurora; Igua Munoz, Joan Sebastian;. EMPIRIC DIMENSION OF AESTHETIC IN SCHOOL EDUCATION PRAXIS & SABER , 2017.

Sandoval-Romero, Yamile; Aguaded Gomez, Jose Ignacio. Habits and consumption of media in children of Cali (Colombia). Real answers using the audience's ethnography IJERI-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND INNOVATION, 2016.

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López-de-la-Roche, M. (2008). Do young audiences learn from media?. [¿Aprenden las audiencias infantiles con los medios?]. Comunicar, 30, 55-59.



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