Self-regulation, children, television channels, social responsibility, television
National TV channels in Spain signed a self-regulation code to protect rights of children on December 2004. This code developed a special protected schedule for children from 8.00 am to 9.00 am and 17.00 pm to 20.00 pm. This article studies this measure as a social responsibility action to protect children as stakeholders. We also offer the results of an analysis content made in four different periods that measures how often TV channels have ignored the code.
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Sureda-Negre, J., Comas-Forgas, R., Morey-López, M.. Internet access by minors at home: Usage norms imposed by parents [Menores y acceso a Internet en el hogar: Las normas familiares]), Comunicar, .
Fernández-Martínez, Á., López-de-Ayala-López, M.C.. Television and children: Five years after the Self-regulation code), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .
Pérez-Ugena, Á., Menor, J., Salas, Á.. Violence on TV: Analysis of childreńs programming [Violencia en televisión: Análisis de la programación en horario infantil]), Comunicar, .
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Ruiz-San-Román, J., & Salguero-Montero, M. (2008). TV channels social responsibility: self-regulation on TV contents during special protected schedule. [Responsabilidad social y autorregulación de las cadenas televisivas sobre la infancia]. Comunicar, 30, 113-117.