
Broadcasting regulation, broadcasting authority, public service, democratisation of the contents, freedom of speech, honour right, right to privacy


The article analyzes the effectiveness of the audio-visual regulation and assesses the different arguments for and against the existence of the broadcasting authorities at the state level. The debate of the necessity of a Spanish organism of regulation is still active. Most of the European countries have created some competent authorities, like the OFCOM in United Kingdom and the CSA in France. In Spain, the broadcasting regulation is developed by regional organisms, like the Consejo Audiovisual de Navarra, the Consejo Audiovisual de Andalucía and the Consell de l’Audiovisual de Catalunya (CAC), whose case is also studied in this article.


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Cites in Scopus

Pérez-Ugena, Á., Menor, J., Salas, Á.. Violence on TV: Analysis of childreńs programming [Violencia en televisión: Análisis de la programación en horario infantil]), Comunicar, .

Sureda-Negre, J., Comas-Forgas, R., Morey-López, M.. Internet access by minors at home: Usage norms imposed by parents [Menores y acceso a Internet en el hogar: Las normas familiares]), Comunicar, .

Garća, N., Plana, G., Ferrer, I.. Advertising genres, insertion forms in Spanish television: Regulation vs. reality [Géneros y formas de inserción publicitaria en la televisión española: regulación vs. práctica]),, .

Klinger, U.. Accountability mechanisms, the control of public service media in Europe), Public Service Media in Europe: A Comparative Approach, .

Suing, A., Ortiz, C., González, V.. Configuration of television regulatory authorities in the Andean countries), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .

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How to cite

Sopena-Palomar, J. (2008). The audio-visual regulation: the arguments for and against. [La regulación audiovisual: argumentos a favor y en contra]. Comunicar, 30, 119-124.



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