Ключевые слова
Language’s alterations, SMS, chat, Internet, changes, scripture, linguistics
Language is historically subject to changes. At the present time the principle of alteration postulated one hundred years ago by Ferdinand de Saussure, father of modern linguistics, is easily observed in new mass media such as those generated by computer science (chat, msn, forums, etc.) and the mobile phones (sms). Although this principle guarantees the continuity of languages, it is not taken into account when debating, when voices arise in favour and against the new codes of communication arise.
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Цитаты в Web of Science
Kallweit, Daniel. New Media: new Romance varieties? Manuals of Romance Linguistics, 2018.
Vazquez-Cano, Esteban; Holgueras Gonzalez, Ana Isabel; Manuel Saez-Lopez, Jose. An analysis of the orthographic errors found in university students' asynchronous digital writing JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 2019.
De-Salas-Nestares, I; Martinez-Saez, J and Roca-Hueso, V. New professional profiles as a transforming factor within the advertising industry REVISTA MEDITERRANEA COMUNICACION-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2019.
Ridao Rodrigo; Susana;. Expressive speech acts in the social network Facebook ONOMAZEIN , 2020.
Aleksic-Maslac, Karmela; Vasic, Dina; Darrer, Jagoda Poropat. Analysis of particular Netspeak elements in closed discussion within the Information and Communication Technologies course Recent Advances in Computer Engineering, 2010.
Giraldo Giraldo, Camilo; Ríos Londoño, Dora Miryam; Cardona Cifuentes, Fabio Andrés;. Lenguaje , 2018.
Цитаты в Scopus
Aleksic-maslac, K., Vasic, D., Darrer, J.P.. Correlation between Netspeak elements, asynchronous discussion), WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, .
Valencia-Cerino, Y., García-Martínez, V.. Back to Basics? The symbols, written language of users of Messenger [La escritura simbólica y el lenguaje escrito en los usuarios del Messenger]), Comunicar, .
Aleksic-Maslac, K., Darrer, J.P., Djuras, T.. Comparison of the distribution of Netspeak elements in asynchronous discussion within the same generation of students in the 1 st then in the 7 th semester), Proceedings of the WSEAS/IASME International Conference on Educational Technologies, .
Vázquez-Cano, E., Mengual-Andrés, S., Roig-Vila, R.. Lexicometric analysis of the specificity of teenagers' digital writing in WhatsApp [Análisis lexicométrico de la especificidad de la escritura digital del adolescente en WhatsApp]), RLA, .
Vázquez-Cano, E., González, A.I.H., Sáez-López, J.M.. An analysis of the orthographic errors found in university students’ asynchronous digital writing), Journal of Computing in Higher Education, .
Rodrigo, S.R.. Expressive speech acts in the social network Facebook), Onomazein, .
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Parrilla, E.A. (2008). Language’s alterations in the digital era. [Alteraciones del lenguaje en la era digital]. Comunicar, 30, 131-136. https://doi.org/10.3916/c30-2008-02-006