Fiction, television, realism, tendencies, analysis, hegemony, programming
The present paper analyzes the results of a qualitative investigation developed by the Spanish public television on the values and characteristics of the national television fiction genre, as well as other aspects of its latest evolution. The conclusions of this qualitative analysis and the audience ratings confirm the hegemony of the genre within the generalist television programming. In the same sense, the paper analyzes its latest tendencies and what is called the last renewal of domestic television fiction.
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This work has no financial support
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Chicharro Merayo, Mar. Learning from Television Fiction. The Reception and Socialization Effects from Watching "Loving in Troubled Times" COMUNICAR, 2011.
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Cites in Scopus
De-La-Cuadra-Colmenares, E., Nuño-Moral, M.-V.. Analysis of the web visibility of television series [Análisis de la visibilidad de las series de televisión en la Web]), Profesional de la Informacion, .
del Mar Chicharro Merayo, M.. History of the telenovela in Spain: Learning, essaying, appropriating a genre [Historia de la telenovela en España: Aprendizaje, ensayo y apropiación de un género]), Communication and Society, .
Merayo, M.C.. Learning from television fiction. The reception, socialization effects from watching «loving in troubled times» [Aprendiendo de la ficción televisiva. La recepción y los efectos socializadores de «amar en tiempos revueltos»]), Comunicar, .
Laffond, J.C.R.. Adolfo Suarez, Felipe y Letizia: Television fiction, immediate memories on the Spanish monarchy [Adolfo Suá rez y Felipe y Letizia : Ficció n televisiva y memorias inmediatas sobre la monarquía española]), Hispanic Review, .
Diego, P., Etayo, C.. Explanatory factors of preferences for domestically-produced versus American-made fiction series [Factores explicativos de la preferencia del público por las series de televisión nacionales o americanas]), Communication and Society, .
López, I.P., García, E.R., Cervantes, C.T.. Social imaginary of physical education built from Spanish TV “teen series”), Movimento, .
Rueda Laffond, J.C., Galán Fajardo, E.. The Duchess, Alfonso, The Cursed Prince: Memory on Spanish television fiction [La duquesa y Alfonso, el príncipe maldito: memoria en la ficción televisiva española]), Bulletin of Spanish Studies, .
Lacalle, C., Gómez, B.. The representation of women in the family in Spanish television fiction), Communication and Society, .
Canós Cerdá, E., Martínez Sáez, J., Sanchís Roca, G.. Historical evolution of the fiction specials in TVE (1965-1969) [Evolución histórica de las producciones especiales de ficción de TVE (1965-1969)]), Opcion, .
Torregrosa-Carmona, J.-F., Rodríguez-Gómez, E.. Communities of fans, television fiction. Case study: The ministry of time (TVE) [Comunidades de fans y ficción televisiva. Estudio de caso: El ministerio del tiempo (TVE)]), Profesional de la Informacion, .
Hidalgo-Marí, T., Ceresola, R.F.. Tv comedy in Spain: The transition fiction between 1990-1995 [La comedia televisiva en Espanã. La transición en la ficción entre 1990 y 1995]), IC Revista Cientifica de Informacion y Comunicacion, .
Hidalgo-Marí, T.. The Spanish television family comedy from the opening of the market to the analogue switch off: Formats, audiences, production (1990-2010)), Communication and Society, .
Pichel-Vázquez, A., Gómez-Puertas, L., Medina-Bravo, P.. Egalitarian masculinity model, indicators in Galician TV fiction: The case of televisión de Galicia's fontealba, serramoura [Modelo e indicadores de masculinidad igualitaria en la ficción televisiva gallega: Caso de fontealba y serramoura de televisión de Galicia]), Palabra Clave, .
Lacalle, C., Sánchez-Ares, M.. Spanish television fiction since desregulation: Between atomization, vertical concentration of production [Producción de ficción televisiva española a partir de la desregulación: Entre la atomización de las empresas y la concentración vertical]), Profesional de la Informacion, .
Etayo, C.. A model analysis of fictional TV series reception: The role of affective reactions, beliefs [Un modelo de análisis de la recepción de series de ficción: el papel de las reacciones afectivas y las creencias]), Palabra Clave, .
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Ramos, M.M., Gonzalez-De-Garay, B., Calderon, C.A.. Minority groups in Spanish television fiction: Content analysis and citizen perceptions for the creation of a diversity index ),, .
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How to cite
García-de-Castro, M. (2008). Renewal movements in the Spanish television series. [Los movimientos de renovación en las series televisivas españolas]. Comunicar, 30, 147-153.