Ключевые слова
Reality TV, entertainment, semiotics, audiovisual narrative, audiovisual style, game rules, values, fame
The main aim of this paper is to identify the values conveyed by «Operación Triunfo» and «Fama ¡a bailar!». Their popularity (especially among young people) and prescriptive nature (they convey life models by means of identifying problems and proposing objectives and solutions) make them relevant study objects. This paper focuses on how work and fame are depicted in «Operación Triunfo» and «Fama ¡a bailar!», two areas that have hardly been studied in Spain. In order to fulfil the objectives of this paper, these programmes were analysed using a methodology that combines narrative semiotics, audiovisual style and narrative form analysis, as well as ludology and game design theory. The analysis shows that these programmes depict professional success as personally and socioeconomically rewarding, although it is extremely difficult to achieve. To obtain this success, the contestants are transformed through education and celebritisation. Finally, in these programmes there is a conflict between talent and fame. This paper concludes that «Operación Triunfo» and «Fama ¡a bailar!» present fame as a life aspiration and also show the mechanisms used to produce it. The programmes depict modern society as meritocratic and evidence the importance of image in the modern workplace. Finally, they describe a «good worker» as someone passionate about their work, adaptable and capable of sacrificing his/her personal life.
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Альтернативные метрики
Как процитировать
Oliva-Rota, M. (2012). Fame and proffessional success in «Operación Triunfo» and «Fama ¡a bailar!». [Fama y éxito profesional en «Operación Triunfo» y «Fama ¡a bailar!»]. Comunicar, 39, 185-192. https://doi.org/10.3916/C39-2012-03-09