Ключевые слова

Gamification, immersive games, game-based learning, higher education, competences, co-creation, creativity, collective intelligence


Education’s gamification has represented an opportunity to boost students’ interaction, motivation and participation. ARG (Alternate Reality Games) offer a new highly immersive tool that can be implemented in educational achievements. One of the strongest points of these immersive games is based on applying the sum of students participating efforts and resources (so called collective intelligence) for problem resolution. In addition, ARG combine online and offline platforms a factor that improves the realism on the game experience. In this regard, this present work aims to summarise ARG potentialities, limitations and challenges of these immersive games in higher and further education context. In terms of methodology, this research draws from an appropriate theoretical corpus and, analyses the educational potential of AGR that, in fields like marketing or corporate communication, has already started successfully, but it has still not been studied in depth in education. This study compiles, also, best practices developed in several subjects and academic degrees all around the world and not easily traceable. It concludes that, given the antecedents, potentialities and the exposed analysis, the possibility of incorporating alternate reality games into the university teaching practice in the frame of an educational strategy that determines its aims and more suitable system of evaluation, has to be considered.


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de la Maza, A.J.P.. Using board games in video game design: A university experience [Uso de juegos de mesa en el diseño de videojuegos: Una experiencia universitaria]), Estudios Pedagogicos, .


Rallis, I., Langis, A., Georgoulas, I., Voulodimos, A., Doulamis, N., Doulamis, A.. An embodied learning game using kinect, labanotation for analysis, visualization of dance kinesiology), 2018 10th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications, VS-Games 2018 - Proceedings, .


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Rodríguez, D.V., Mezquita, J.M.M., Vallecillo, A.I.G.. Innovative methodology based on educational gamification: Multiple-choice test evaluation with Quizizz tool [Metodología innovadora basada en la gamificación educativa: Evaluación tipo test con la herramienta Quizizz]), Profesorado, .


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Valbuena, J.S.V., Rocha, C.A.C. . Design of an Integration Model for Multimedia Systems for Alternative Reality Games), Educar, .


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Hou, H.-T., Fang, Y.-S., Tang, J.T. . Designing an alternate reality board game with augmented reality and multi-dimensional scaffolding for promoting spatial and logical ability), Interactive Learning Environments, .


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Piñeiro-Otero, T., & Costa-Sánchez, C. (2015). ARG (Alternate reality games). Contributions, limitations, and potentialities to the service of the teaching at the university level. [ARG (juegos de realidad alternativa). Contribuciones, limitaciones y potencialidades para la docencia universitaria]. Comunicar, 44, 141-148. https://doi.org/10.3916/C44-2015-15



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