Ключевые слова
Elderly people, technology, population research, digital literacy, social media, Internet, sociology of change
Our population is ageing very quickly. This increase is added to the rapid, exponential breakthrough of new technologies in our everyday lives. These two factors are generating great interest and many studies have been published on how information technology and communication simultaneously exist in ageing western societies. This paper analyses the main habits of use and consumption of new technologies by older people, in particular, the level of knowledge and their level of education. The purpose is to analyse whether the technological skills of our elderly are sufficient, as well as to know if the audio-visual resources are appropriate. This study wants to know if the ageing society is prepared to handle everything the internet has to offer. This study has taken place in three countries of the European Union: the United Kingdom, France and Spain. An attempt is made to generate comparisons and conclusions that help to increase the opportunities and to take on challenges of our current digital society. This study has used a methodology based on surveys which collect information on the use and habits in the three countries and the level of media literacy, as well as the interest of our elderly in training in new technologies.
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Получила: 26-10-2014
пересмотренный: 05-12-2014
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Дата публикации: 01-07-2015
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Avila-Rodriguez-de-Mier, B and Martin-Garcia, N. The frequency of Internet use as a key factor of vulnerability among senior population: Regular user vs. irregular user REVISTA MEDITERRANEA COMUNICACION-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2019.
Llorente-Barroso, Carmen; Pretel-Jimenez, Marile; Abad-Alcala, Leopoldo; Sanchez-Valle, Maria; Vinaras-Abad, Monica. E-Administration and e-commerce as tools for active aging AULA ABIERTA, 2018.
Gonzalez Onate, Cristina; Fanjul Peyro, Carlos. Mobile applications for the elderly: a study of their current strategy AULA ABIERTA, 2018.
Lorenzo, Francisco Cabezuelo; Sanchez, Juan Luis Manfredi. MOOC as educomunical tools for development: a revision of the initiatives of the usa, Japan and Europe CIC-CUADERNOS DE INFORMACION Y COMUNICACION, 2018.
Casamayou, A and Gonzalez, MJM. Elderly people and digital technologies: a dual challenge PSICOLOGIA CONOCIMIENTO Y SOCIEDAD, 2017.
Diaz-Prieto, Cristina; Garcia-Sanchez, Jesus-Nicasio. Online Gerontechnological Resources Analysis for Active Aging RASP-RESEARCH ON AGEING AND SOCIAL POLICY, 2017.
Lanuza-Avello, Ana; Cabezuelo Lorenzo, Francisco; Garcia-Plaza Vegas, Amparo. Critical Analysis of The Walking Dead from the Humanistic Values Perspective PALABRA CLAVE, 2017.
Cerna, Miloslava; Svobodova, Libuse. Benefits in Utilization of the Internet by Elderly People - case study 2017 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY (ISET 2017), 2017.
Rebollo-Catalan, Angeles; Mayor-Buzon, Virginia; Garcia-Perez, Rafael. Women's digital skills in the use of social network sites: differences by employment status RIE-REVISTA DE INVESTIGACION EDUCATIVA, 2017.
Gonzalez, AJG; Gomez-Millan, MRB and Rubio, LR. Mediated communication skills in Senior University Students. Technological Literacy as an innovative experience REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIA EDUCATIVA-RELATEC , 2017.
Vinaras-Abad, Monica; Abad Alcala, Leopoldo; Llorente-Barroso, Carmen; Sanchez-Valle, Maria; Pretel-Jimenez, Marile. e-Administration and the e-inclusion of the elderly REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2017.
Diaz-Prieto, Cristina; Garcia-Sanchez, Jesus-Nicasio. Psychological profiles of older adult Web 2.0 tool users COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 2016.
Rayen Condeza, Ana; Bastias, Gabriel; Valdivia, Gonzalo; Cheix, Consuelo; Barrios, Xinena; Rojas, Rodrigo; Galvez, Nyrna; Fernandez, Francisco. Elderly in Chile: a needs assessment approach for preventive health communication CUADERNOS INFO, 2016.
Hernandez Serrano, Maria Jose; Munoz Rodriguez, Jose Manuel; Gonzalez, Sara Serrate. STRATEGIC TRAINING ON SEARCHING AND USING MOBILE APPLICATIONS FOR ELDERLY STUDENTS EDULEARN Proceedings, 2016.
Rasi, Paivi; Kilpelainen, Arja. Older People's Use and Learning of New Media: A Case Study on Remote Rural Villages in Finnish Lapland Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016.
Arrabal-Sanchez, Gabriel; De-Aguilera-Moyano, Miguel. Communicating in 140 Characters. How Journalists in Spain use Twitter COMUNICAR, 2016.
Gomez-Hernandez, Miguel; Villalba-Mora, Elena; Ferre, Xavier;. Use of Mobile Phones and Tablets amongst Spanish Seniors: Barriers and Motivations PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR AGEING WELL AND E-HEALTH (ICT4AWE) , 2020.
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Sevcikova, Anna; Blinka, Lukas; Skarupova, Katerina;. Online Sex Addiction After 50: an Exploratory Study of Age-Related Vulnerability INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION , 2020.
de la Fuente Robles, Yolanda Ma; Martin Cano, Ma del Carmen;. E-social work and at-risk populations: technology and robotics in social intervention with elders. The case of Spain EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK , 2019.
Lopez Quero, Salvador. Discourse marker ahora with verba dicendi in Twitter CIRCULO DE LINGUISTICA APLICADA A LA COMUNICACION, 2019.
Almenara, JC and Cejudo, CL. The adoption of technologies by the elderly: contributions from the TAM model (Technology Acceptance Model) REVISTA PUBLICACIONES, 2020.
Zadrazilova, Iva; Kurbanoglu, S; Boustany, J;. Information Literacy of Elderly People: Bridging the Digital Gap INFORMATION LITERACY IN THE WORKPLACE , 2018.
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Reyes, CEG and Avello-Martinez, R. Digital literacy in education. Systematic review of scientific production in Scopus RED-REVISTA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA, 0.
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Цитаты в Scopus
Condeza, A.R., Bastías, G., Valdivia, G., Cheix, C., Barrios, X., Rojas, R., Gálvez, M., Fernández, F.. Elderly in Chile: Describing their needs for preventive health communication [Adultos mayores en Chile: Descripción de sus necesidades en comunicación en salud preventive]), Cuadernos.info, .
Díaz-Prieto, C., García-Sánchez, J.-N.. Psychological profiles of older adult Web 2.0 tool users), Computers in Human Behavior, .
Amaro, A.C., Oliveira, L., Veloso, A.I.. Intergenerational, collaborative use of tablets: «in-medium», «in-room» communication, learning, interaction), Observatorio, .
Viñarás-Abad, M., Abad-Alcalá, L., Llorente-Barroso, C., Sánchez-Valle, M., Pretel-Jiménez, M.. E-Administration, the e-inclusion of the elderly), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .
Svobodová, L., Hedvičáková, M.. The use of the social networks by elderly people in the Czech Republic, other countries V4), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), .
Svobodova, L., Cerna, M.. Benefits, pitfalls in utilization of the internet by elderly people), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), .
Rebollo-Catalán, Á., Mayor-Buzon, V., García-Pérez, R.. Women's digital skills in the use of social network sites: Differences by employment status [Competencias digitales de las mujeres en el uso de las redes sociales virtuales: Diferencias según perfil laboral]), Revista de Investigacion Educativa, .
Cerna, M., Svobodova, L.. Benefits in utilization of the internet by elderly people - Case study), Proceedings - 2017 International Symposium on Educational Technology, ISET 2017, .
Sauces, M.O.S., Ruiz-Callado, R.. Virtual communities of patients with rare diseases. Analysis of their influence on decision-making, behavior change related to the disease process [Las comunidades virtuales de pacientes con enfermedades raras. Análisis de su influencia en la toma de decisiones y en el cambio de conductas relacionadas con el proceso de enfermedad]), Salud Uninorte, .
Díaz, J.B., del Olmo, F.J.R.. Photography on Twitter as a form of political image. The case of the general elections of 2015 in Spain [La fotografía en Twitter como forma de construcción de imagen política. El caso de las elecciones generales de 2015 en España]), Observatorio, .
Martínez Heredia, N., Rodríguez-García, A.-M.. Literacy, digital competence in elderly people: The case of the open training classroom of University of Granada [Alfabetización y competencia digital en personas mayores: El caso del aula permanente de formación abierta de la Universidad de Granada (España)]), Espacios, .
Zadražilová, I.. Information Literacy of Elderly People: Bridging the Digital Gap), Communications in Computer and Information Science, .
Bosch, A.V., Catalán, Á.R.. Impact of digital inclusion policies in the use of social networks of Rural Women [Incidencia de las políticas de inclusión digital en el uso de las redes sociales de mujeres de Entorno Rural]), Prisma Social, .
Dziuba, S., Cierniak-Emerych, A., Michalski, G., Poulová, P., Mohelská, H., Klímová, B.. The use of the internet by older adults in Poland), Universal Access in the Information Society, .
Podgórniak-Krzykacz, A., Przywojska, J., Warwas, I. . Silver economy as a response to demographic challenges in polish regions: realistic strategy or Utopia?), Innovation, .
Ševčíková, A., Blinka, L., Škařupová, K., Vašek, D. . Online Sex Addiction After 50: an Exploratory Study of Age-Related Vulnerability), International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, .
Rasi, P., Kilpeläinen, A.. Older people’s use, learning of new media: A case study on remote rural villages in Finnish Lapland), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), .
Arrabal-Sánchez, G., De-Aguilera-Moyano, M.. Communicating in 140 characters: How journalists in Spain use twitter), Comunicar, .
Gomez-Hernandez, M., Villalba-Mora, E., Ferre, X. . Use of mobile phones and tablets amongst Spanish seniors: Barriers and motivations), International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, .
Migdał-Najman, K., Najman, K., Badowska, S. . The GNG neural network in analyzing consumer behaviour patterns: empirical research on a purchasing behaviour processes realized by the elderly consumers), Universal Access in the Information Society, .
Llorente-Barroso, C., Pretel-Jiménez, M., Abad-Alcalá, L., Sánchez-Valle, M., Viñarás-Abad, M. . E-Administration and e-commerce as tools for active aging | [Administración electrónica y comercio electrónico como instrumentos para un envejecimiento activo]), Salud Uninorte, .
Llorente-Barroso, C., Kolotouchkina, O., Mañas-Viniegra, L. . The enabling role of ict to mitigate the negative effects of emotional and social loneliness of the elderly during covid-19 pandemic), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .
Prado, S.A., Rodriguez-Ruiz, B., Garcia-Sampedro, M. . Working Women and Digital Competence in the Spanish Labor Context), Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, .
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Rivoir, A., Morales, M.J., Casamayou, A.. Uses, perceptions of digital technologies in elderly people. Limitations, benefits for their life quality [Usos y percepciones de las tecnologías digitales en personas mayores. Limitaciones y beneficios para su calidad de vida]), Revista Austral de Ciencias Sociales, .
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Cabezuelo-Lorenzo, F., Torrecillas-Lacave, T., Núñez-Ladevéze, L.. A new challenge in communication: Home Auctoritas versus digital teen empowerment [Un nuevo reto comunicativo: La Auctoritas doméstica versus el empoderamiento digital juvenile]), Opcion, .
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Choudrie, J., Obuekwe, C., Zamani, E. . Bridging the Digital Divide in Ethnic Minority Older Adults: an Organisational Qualitative Study), Information Systems Frontiers, .
Devani, R.N., Kirubakaran, A., Molokhia, M.. Digital health RCT interventions for cardiovascular disease risk reduction: a systematic review and meta-analysis), Health and Technology, .
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Hošnjak, A.M., Pavlovic, A.. Older Adults Knowledge about using smart technology during the Covid-19 crisis-a qualitative pilot study), IFAC-PapersOnLine, .
López-Lago Ortiz, L., Arroyo Chacón, S., Cipriano Crespo, C., Bonilla Bermejo, J., Muñoz González, B.. Technological Solutions and Informal Care Culture for the Elderly: An Intervention Proposal for Training Actions), Lecture Notes in Bioengineering, .
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González-Oñate, C., Fanjul-Peyró, C., & Cabezuelo-Lorenzo, F. (2015). Use, consumption and knowledge of new technologies by elderly people in France, United Kingdom and Spain. [Uso, consumo y conocimiento de las nuevas tecnologías en personas mayores en Francia, Reino Unido y España]. Comunicar, 45, 19-28. https://doi.org/10.3916/C45-2015-02