Virtual reality, public speaking, anxiety, education, communication, university students
The ability to communicate effectively is a crucial aspect of education. For college students, learning how to speak in public is essential for their academic and professional future. However, many students report fear of speaking in public, the so-called Public Speaking Anxiety (PSA). This study aims to implement a training program using Virtual Reality (VR) with distractors to reduce the college students' anxiety. Anxiety was measured with two methods: electrodermal activity and self-report. We also analyze gender differences. There were an experimental and a control group. Both groups had to deliver the same speech twice: pre-test (before training); and post-test (after the training program) while participants’ electrodermal activity was measured. Only the experimental group was trained with VR. Students also completed the Public Speaking Anxiety Scale and a survey to examine their experience. The results showed that the VR training reduced the anxiety levels significantly in the experimental group, but there were no significant differences in the control group. The data also revealed a higher level of anxiety in male than in female students. Finally, participants reported a positive impression of the VR training. These results showed the effectiveness of Virtual Reality software with distractors to reduce public speaking anxiety.
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Technical information
Received: 20-12-2021
Revised: 24-01-2022
Accepted: 02-03-2022
OnlineFirst: 15-05-2022
Publication date: 01-07-2022
Article revision time: 35 days | Average time revision issue 72: 31 days
Article acceptance time: 72 days | Average time of acceptance issue 72: 75 days
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Cited by
Cites in Web of Science
Valls-Rates, I; Niebuhr, O and Prieto, P. Unguided virtual-reality training can enhance the oral presentation skills of high-school students FRONTIERS IN COMMUNICATION, 2022.
Serrano-Mamolar, A; Miguel-Alonso, I; (...); Pardo-Aguilar, C. Towards learner performance evaluation in iVR learning environments using eye-tracking and machine-learning Comunicar, 2023.
Cites in Scopus
Valls-Ratés, I., Niebuhr, O., Prieto, P. . Unguided virtual-reality training can enhance the oral presentation skills of high-school students), Frontiers in Communication, .
Serrano-Mamolar, A., Miguel-Alonso, I., Checa, D., Pardo-Aguilar, C.. Towards learner performance evaluation in iVR learning environments using eye-tracking and Machine-learning), Comunicar, .

Cites in Google Scholar
Unguided virtual-reality training can enhance the oral presentation skills of high-school students Ï Valls-Ratés, O Niebuhr, P Prieto - Frontiers in Communication, 2022 -
Unguided virtual-reality training can enhance the oral presentation skills of high-school students Ï Valls-Ratés, O Niebuhr… - Frontiers in Communication, 2022 -
Hacia una metodología de evaluación del rendimiento del alumno en entornos de aprendizaje iVR utilizando eye-tracking y aprendizaje automático A Serrano-Mamolar, I Miguel-Alonso… - … de Comunicación y …, 2023 -
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