Reflexivity, parental behavior, pre-school, children exposure, screen, quantitative analysis
The paper explores the effects of the sociological concept of reflexivity to parents’ media education of preschool children. It draws upon the recommendations of the American Academy of Paediatrics referring to the restrictions of screen exposure based on different age groups, coviewing and discussing media content. It applies a social survey on the Slovenian national sample of parents to (1) review their media education practices, (2) identify the factors affecting these practices through regression analyses and (3) use path analysis to provide an explanatory model of the factors affecting children’s screen exposure. A Reflexivity Measurement Tool is applied to assess the parents’ meta-reflexivity scores. The hypothesis that meta-reflexivity is one of the key factors affecting media education is confirmed. The results show differences in screen exposure between age groups and higher exposure of boys when compared to girls. Children of the divorced/separated parents are more exposed to screens. Setting restrictions is quite common but it is also the quality of media content and the interaction with children that matters. Meta-reflexivity not only decreases the quantity of screen exposure. but it also makes coviewing and discussing media content with children more likely. Moreover, the significance of parents as role models is confirmed.
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Technical information
Received: 12-10-2022
Revised: 08-11-2022
Accepted: 23-02-2023
OnlineFirst: 30-05-2023
Publication date: 01-07-2023
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