In compliance with the provisions of the European Data Protection Regulation of April 27, 2016 and Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Spain (LOPD), on the Protection of Personal Data, you are hereby informed that the personal data you provide us through the portal will be treated confidentially and will become part of a file owned by the Comunicar Group, in order to send you relevant information about the Comunicar Journal (publication issues of the Comunicar Journal, open publication of articles in preprint and calls for papers for upcoming issues). We also inform you that your data may also be used in a timely manner to send information on topics related to Comunicar Journal. The sending of such information will be limited to a monthly message. More communications may be sent at any given time, but no more than three in a month.
Your data will never be transferred to any other entity, unless required by the competent authority. In accordance with the provisions of current legislation, you have the right to access them and your data will remain in this file until you express your desire for cancellation, limitation, rectification or opposition. We also inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data: 4 White House Way, B91 1SE Sollihul, UK or by sending an email to
The responsible parties protect personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law on Data Protection and the Regulation on Security Measures. Information on the protection of personal data is contained in the Privacy Policy. To this end, the necessary measures have been taken to avoid the alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access of personal data, taking into account at all times the state of technology, however, the user should be aware that security measures on the Internet are not impenetrable.
In the event that personal data relating to different individuals are included in the tool, prior to their inclusion, you must inform them of the points contained in the Privacy Policy.
The person responsible may store and use the IP addresses of the user of this portal in order to analyze traffic, manage the portal and monitor the use of the portal as a whole. Also the person responsible may use web analytics services (Google Analytics or similar tools) to help the website to analyze the use made by users of the website.
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In the event that personal data relating to individuals other than the person completing this form must be included, prior to their inclusion, inform them of the points contained in the preceding paragraphs.
The responsible party may store and use the IP addresses of the users of this portal in order to analyze traffic, administer the portal and monitor the use of the portal as a whole. Also the responsible party may use web analytics services ( for example: Google Analytics or similar tools) to help the website to analyze the use made by users of the website.
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