Palavras chave

Ativismo digital, análise de redes sociais, aprendizagem informal, formação de professores, influenciadores digitais, Twitter


Neste artigo, investigaremos acerca dos influenciadores digitais da educação espanhóis com maior presença no Twitter: quais são os assuntos ou hashtags mais difundidos por eles, a temática de suas intervenções ou que tipo de rede social eles representam. Para responder a essas questões, em primeiro lugar, selecionamos 54 professores com grande número de seguidores. Analisamos e classificamos as «hashtags» incluídas em um total de 106.130 tuítes. A análise das hashtags mostrou-nos que os assuntos mais marcados correspondem a conteúdos educativos em diferentes áreas do currículo, a colaboração, o intercâmbio e a difusão de materiais, documentos ou recursos digitais, bem como ações de formação ou de debate sobre metodologias pedagógicas inovadoras. Usando o programa Gephi, realizamos uma análise de redes sociais, determinando o grau de centralidade e centralidade de intermediação dos 54 professores, o que nos permitiu identificar influenciadores com maior reconhecimento por parte dos demais. Por meio da análise de modularidade, conseguimos identificar cinco grupos de influenciadores que não funcionam como grupos fechados, mas sim mantêm interações frequentes com o restante dos influenciadores de outros grupos. Por meio deste estudo, revela-se a necessidade de conhecer melhor os conteúdos e procedimentos que podem estar favorecendo aprendizagens informais por parte dos professores.

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Citado por

Citas em Web of Science

Guinez-Cabrera, N and Mansilla-Obando, K. Booktokers: Generating and sharing book content on TikTok COMUNICAR, 2022.

Sierra-Rodriguez, A; Arroyo-Machado, W and Barroso-Hurtado, D. Twitter and human trafficking: Purposes, actors and topics in the Spanish-speaking scene COMUNICAR, 2022.

Carpenter, Jeffrey P.; Shelton, Catharyn C.; Schroeder, Stephanie E.; . The education influencer: A new player in the educator professional landscape Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, 2000.

Gil-Quintana, Javier; de Leon, Emilio Vida; . Educational Influencers on Instagram: Analysis of Educational Channels, Audiences, and Economic Performance COMUNICAR, 2021.

Khalil, M and Belokrys, G. What Does Twitter Say About Self-Regulated Learning? Mapping Tweets From 2011 to 2021 FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2022.

Mellado-Moreno, PC; Patino-Maso, J; (...); Estebanell-Minguell, M. Speeches on Facebook and Twitter about the educational use of smartphones in the classroom REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2022.

What is the importance of climate research? An innovative web-based approach to assess the influence and reach of climate research programs. What is the importance of climate research? An innovative web-based approach to assess the influence and reach of climate research programs ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY, 2022.

Estigarribia, L; Chalabe, JKT; (...); Garcia-Romano, L. Co-design of a Teaching-Learning Sequence to Address COVID-19 as a Socio-scientific Issue in an Infodemic Context SCIENCE & EDUCATION, 2022.

Shelton, CC; Curcio, R; (...); Schroeder, SE. Instagramming for Justice: The Potentials and Pitfalls of Culturally Relevant Professional Learning on Instagram TECHTRENDS, 2022.

Pattier, D. Design and validation of an instrument to analyze educational YouTube channels REVISTA ICONO 14-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE COMUNICACION Y TECNOLOGIAS, 2022.

Pasquel-Lopez, C; Rodriguez-Aceves, L and Valerio-Urena, G. Social Network Analysis of EduTubers Frontiers in Education, 2022.

Buitrago, A and Torres-Ortiz, L. Science Communication on YouTube: Comparison between Institutional Channels vs. Science Influencers FONSECA-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2022.

Buitrago, A and Ortiz, LT. Science influencers on Twitch: Science communication by video-streaming in times of COVID-19 TEKNOKULTURA: REVISTA DE CULTURA DIGITAL Y MOVIMIENTOS SOCIALES, 2022.


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Barrero-Fernandez, B; Mula-Falcon, J and Domingo, J. Educational constellations: a systematic review of macro-networks in education INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT, 2023.

Lopez-Torres, E; Carril-Merino, MT; (...); De La Calle-Carracedo, M. Twitter in Initial Teacher Training: Interaction with Social Media as a Source of Teacher Professional Development for Social Studies Prospective Educators Sustainability, 2022.

Marcelo-Martinez, P and Garcia, CM. Teacher affinity spaces on Twitter. The case of hashtag #Claustrovirtual RED-REVISTA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA, 2022.

Vaillant, D and Marcelo, C. Initial Teacher Education: The Current Model and the Keys to Change REICE-REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA SOBRE CALIDAD EFICACIA Y CAMBIO EN EDUCACION, 2021.

Citas em Scopus

Gil-Quintana, J., Vida de León, E. . Educational influencers on instagram: Analysis of educational channels, audiences, and economic performance), Publications, .

Vaillant, D., Marcelo, C. . Initial teacher education: The current model and the keys to change | [Formación Inicial del Profesorado: Modelo Actual y Llaves para el Cambio]), REICE. Revista Iberoamericana Sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educacion, .

Arrobo-Agila, J.P., Suing, A., Aguaded, I. . Transmedia narratives in communication in times of crisis: The 2016 ecuador earthquake | [Narrativas transmedia en la comunicación de catástrofes: El terremoto de Ecuador del 2016]), Contratexto, .

Khalil, M., Belokrys, G. . What Does Twitter Say About Self-Regulated Learning? Mapping Tweets From 2011 to 2021), Frontiers in Psychology, .

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Guiñez-Cabrera, N., Mansilla-Obando, K. . Booktokers: Generating and sharing book content on TikTok | [Booktokers: Generar y compartir contenidos sobre libros a través de TikTok]), Comunicar, .

Carpenter, J.P., Shelton, C.C., Schroeder, S.E. . The education influencer: A new player in the educator professional landscape), Journal of Research on Technology in Education, .

Carneiro, B., Resce, G., Läderach, P., Schapendonk, F., Pacillo, G. . What is the importance of climate research? An innovative web-based approach to assess the influence and reach of climate research programs), Environmental Science and Policy, .

Fan, Y., Elliott, K.. Sparse, Pair-Wise, Emotion-Focused Interactions: Educators’ Networking Patterns on Twitter at Early Pandemic), Contemporary Educational Technology, .

Estigarribia, L., Torrico Chalabe, J.K., Cisnero, K., Wajner, M., García-Romano, L.. Co-design of a Teaching–Learning Sequence to Address COVID‑19 as a Socio‑scientific Issue in an Infodemic Context), Science and Education, .

Yot-Domínguez, C., Marcelo, C.. Teachers’ formal and non-formal learning strategies for their professional development: Design and validation of an instrument), Education Policy Analysis Archives, .

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Barrero-Fernández, B., Mula-Falcón, J., Domingo, J. . Educational constellations: a systematic review of macro-networks in education ), International Journal of Educational Management, .

Núñez-Román, F., Hunt-Gómez, C.I., Gómez-Camacho, A.. Textisms as a Non-sexist Language Mechanism. Digital Communication and Educational Effects ), Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades, .

López-Torres, E., Carril-Merino, M.T., Miguel-Revilla, D., Verdú, M.J., de la Calle-Carracedo, M.. Twitter in Initial Teacher Training: Interaction with Social Media as a Source of Teacher Professional Development for Social Studies Prospective Educators ), Sustainability , .

Mora-Cruz, A., Saura, J.R., Palos-Sanchez, P.R.. Social media and user-generated content as a teaching innovation tool in universities), Teaching Innovation in University Education: Case Studies and Main Practices, .

Ariza, A.C., Linde-Valenzuela, T., García, M.G., Magaña, E.C.. Twitter and learning at university: Analysis of scientific production in Scopus ), Edutec, .

Mellado-Moreno, P.C., Patiño-Masó, J., Ramos-Pardo, F.J., Estebanell-Minguell, M. . Speeches on Facebook and Twitter about the educational use of smartphones in the classroom ), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social , .

Al Balushi, W., Al-Busaidi, F.S., Malik, A., Al-Salti, Z. . Social Media Use in Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Literature Review), International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, .

Rodríguez-Peral, E.M., Franco, T.G., Ludeña, A.F.. Healthcare influencers: analysis of the role of Spanish healthcare professionals in social networks ), TECHNO Review. International Technology, Science and Society Review / Revista Internacional de Tecnología, Ciencia y Sociedad, .

Open Access Marcelo-Martínez, P., García, C.M. . Teacher affinity spaces on Twitter. The case of hashtag #Claustrovirtual), Revista de Educación a Distancia, .

López Vicent, P., del Mar Sánchez Vera, M.. Pedagogical Renewal Movements in Networks with an Ecosocial Perspective: The Case of Teachers For Future), REICE. Revista Iberoamericana Sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educacion, .

Tintoré, M., Gratacós, G., Ladrón de Guevara, B.. A Scoping Review of the Literature on Teacher Leadership in Spain ), Leadership and Policy in Schools, .

Marcelo-Martínez, P., Marcelo, C.. Affinity spaces on a Twitter hashtag for teacher learning), Globalisation, Societies and Education, .

Enthoven, S., März, V., Dupriez, V. . Context matters: A meta-ethnographic study on teachers’ workplace learning ), Teaching and Teacher Education, .

Núñez-Román, F., Gómez-Camacho, A., Hunt-Gómez, C.I. . Gender-Inclusive Textisms: How Spanish-speaking educational communities promote linguistic innovations on twitter ), Linguistics and Education, .

Marcelo-Martínez, P., Yot-Domínguez, C.R., Marcelo, C. . Teachers and social networks: uses and motivation), Revista de Educación a Distancia, .

Citas em Google Scholar

Rios Moyano, S., Jiménez Gálvez, A., Pozuelo Rosado, L., Santos Gallego, M., Márquez Cano, R., Burruecos Suárez, B., ... & Morgado Ramírez, E. (2021). designart_ist, un proyecto en Twitter. Nuevos modos de aprendizaje y difusión en red.

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Rios-Moyano, S., Jiménez-Gálvez, A., Pozuelo-Rosado, L., Santos-Gallego, M., Márquez-Cano, R., Burruecos-Suárez, B., ... & Morgado-Ramírez, E. (2021). @ designart_ist, un proyecto en Twitter. Nuevos modos de aprendizaje y difusión en red. Revista UNES. Universidad, Escuela y Sociedad, (11), 42-61.

Vaillant, D., & Marcelo, C. (2021). Formación Inicial del Profesorado: Modelo Actual y Llaves para el Cambio. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 19(4).

Sierra-Rodríguez, A., Arroyo Machado, W., & Barroso Hurtado, D. (2022). La trata de personas en Twitter: Finalidades, actores y temas en la escena hispanohablante.

Arrobo-Agila, J. P., Suing, A., & Aguaded, I. (2021). Narrativas transmedia en la comunicación de catástrofes: el terremoto de Ecuador del 2016. Contratexto, (036), 205-228.

Sierra-Rodríguez, A., Arroyo-Machado, W., & Barroso-Hurtado, D. (2022). Twitter and human trafficking: Purposes, actors and topics in the Spanish-speaking scene. Comunicar, 30(71), 79-91.

Vaillant, D., & Marcelo, C. (2021). Formación inicial del profesorado: Modelo actual y llaves para el cambio. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 19(4), 55-69.


Gil-Quintana, J. (2021). Vida de León, E. Educational Influencers on Instagram: Analysis of Educational Channels, Audiences, and Economic Performance. Publications 2021, 9, 43. Research, Literacy, and Communication Education, 21.

Guiñez-Cabrera, N., & Mansilla-Obando, K. (2022). Booktokers: Generating and sharing book content on TikTok. Comunicar, 30(71), 119-130.

Moyano, S. R., Toro, M. C., Moreno, A. P., Luque, E. G., & Lorente, D. C. DESIGNFLIX, un modelo para aprender diseño a través de Instagram.

Guiñez-Cabrera, N., & Mansilla-Obando, K. (2022). Booktokers: Generar y compartir contenidos sobre libros a través de TikTok. Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación, 30(71).

Khalil, M., & Belokrys, G. (2022). What Does Twitter Say About Self-Regulated Learning? Mapping Tweets From 2011 to 2021. Frontiers in psychology, 474.


Carpenter, J. P., Shelton, C. C., & Schroeder, S. E. (2022). The education influencer: A new player in the educator professional landscape. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 1-16.

Moyano, S. R., Lorente, D. C., Moreno, A. P., Toro, M. C., Pastor, J. T., & Luque, E. G. (2021). Designflix, un modelo para aprender diseño a través de Instagram. Revista UCES. dg “Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Diseño”, (16).

Moreno, P. C. M., Masó, J. P., Pardo, F. J. R., & Minguell, M. E. (2022). Discursos en Facebook y Twitter sobre el uso educativo de móviles en el aula. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (80), 11.

Mellado-Moreno, P. C., Patiño-Masó, J., Ramos-Pardo, F. J., & Estebanell-Minguell, M. (2022). Speeches on Facebook and Twitter about the educational use of smartphones in the classroom. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (80), 225-240.


Carneiro, B., Resce, G., Läderach, P., Schapendonk, F., & Pacillo, G. (2022). What is the importance of climate research? An innovative web-based approach to assess the influence and reach of climate research programs. Environmental Science & Policy, 133, 115-126.

Buitrago, Á., & Ortiz, L. T. (2022). Divulgación científica en YouTube: Comparativa entre canales institucionales vs. influencers de ciencia. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (24), 127-148.

TORRES-ORTIZ, M. L. Science Communication on YouTube: Comparison between Institutional Channels vs. Science Influencers Dr. Álex BUITRAGO Universidad de Valladolid (Profesor Ayudante Doctor), España E-mail: alejandro. buitrago@ uva. es.

Ariza, A. C., Linde-Valenzuela, T., García, M. G., & Magaña, E. C. (2022). Twitter y aprendizaje en la universidad: análisis de la producción científica en Scopus. Edutec. Revista Electrónica De Tecnología Educativa, (80).

Marcelo, C., & Marcelo-Martínez, P. (2022). Espacios de afinidad para el aprendizaje docente: El caso del hashtag# Claustrovirtual. Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), 22(70).

Alonso, A. B., & Ortiz, L. T. (2022). Influencers de ciencia en Twitch. Divulgación científica a través de vídeo-streaming en tiempos de COVID-19. Teknokultura, 19(2), 165-176.

Núñez Domínguez, T., Romo Parra, C., & Sell Trujillo, L. (2022). Violencias, juventud y redes: De la revisión bibliométrica al compromiso investigador. Feminismos, violencias y redes sociales: prácticas y estrategias iberoamericanas contra los discursos del odio.

Pattier, D. (2022). Diseño y validación de instrumento para analizar canales educativos de YouTube. Revista ICONO 14. Revista científica de Comunicación y Tecnologías emergentes, 20(2).

Arrobo-Agila, J. P., Suing, A., & Aguaded, I. (2021). Narrativas transmedia en la comunicación de catástrofes: el terremoto de Ecuador del 2016. Contratexto, (36), 205-228.

Fan, Y., & Elliott, K. (2022). Sparse, Pair-Wise, Emotion-Focused Interactions: Educators’ Networking Patterns on Twitter at Early Pandemic. Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(3), ep373.


Estrategias de Aprendizaje Formal y no Formal de Docentes para su Desarrollo Profesional: Diseño y Validación de un Instrumento CR Yot Domínguez, C Marcelo García - … de Políticas Educativas, 30 (82), 1 …, 2021 -

Co-design of a Teaching–Learning Sequence to Address COVID‑19 as a Socio‑scientific Issue in an Infodemic Context L Estigarribia, JK Torrico Chalabe, K Cisnero… - Science & …, 2022 - Springer


Métricas alternativas

Como citar

Marcelo, C., & Marcelo, P. (2021). Educational influencers on Twitter. Analysis of hashtags and relationship structure. [Influencers educativos en Twitter. Análisis de hashtags y estructura relacional]. Comunicar, 68, 73-83.



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