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Цифровой активизм, анализ социальных сетей, неформальное обучение, подготовка учителей, инфлюенсер, Твиттер


В этой статье мы исследуем испанских образовательных инфлюенсеров с наибольшим присутствием в Твиттере: какие темы или хэштэги наиболее распространены ими, темы их обращений или какой тип социальных сетей они формируют. Для достижения этих целей мы сначала отобрали 54 учителя с высоким количеством последователей. Мы проанализировали и классифицировали хэштэги, включенные в общей сложности в 106 130 твитов. Анализ хэштегов показал, что наиболее отмеченные темы соответствуют образовательному содержанию в различных областях учебной программы, сотрудничеству, совместному использованию и распространению материалов, документов или цифровых ресурсов, а также обучению или обсуждению инновационных методик преподавания. Используя программу Gephi, мы провели анализ социальных сетей, определив степень централизации и централизации посредничества 54 учителей, что позволило нам выявить инфлюенсеров с большим признанием со стороны остальных. Благодаря модульному анализу нам удалось выделить пять групп инфлюенсеров, которые не функционируют как закрытые группы, а поддерживают частые взаимодействия с остальными инфлюенсерами в других группах. В этом исследовании подчеркивается необходимость лучшего понимания содержания и процедур, которые могут благоприятствовать неформальному обучению учителей.

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Цитаты в Web of Science

Guinez-Cabrera, N and Mansilla-Obando, K. Booktokers: Generating and sharing book content on TikTok COMUNICAR, 2022.


Sierra-Rodriguez, A; Arroyo-Machado, W and Barroso-Hurtado, D. Twitter and human trafficking: Purposes, actors and topics in the Spanish-speaking scene COMUNICAR, 2022.


Carpenter, Jeffrey P.; Shelton, Catharyn C.; Schroeder, Stephanie E.; . The education influencer: A new player in the educator professional landscape Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, 2000.


Gil-Quintana, Javier; de Leon, Emilio Vida; . Educational Influencers on Instagram: Analysis of Educational Channels, Audiences, and Economic Performance COMUNICAR, 2021.


Khalil, M and Belokrys, G. What Does Twitter Say About Self-Regulated Learning? Mapping Tweets From 2011 to 2021 FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2022.


Mellado-Moreno, PC; Patino-Maso, J; (...); Estebanell-Minguell, M. Speeches on Facebook and Twitter about the educational use of smartphones in the classroom REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2022.


What is the importance of climate research? An innovative web-based approach to assess the influence and reach of climate research programs. What is the importance of climate research? An innovative web-based approach to assess the influence and reach of climate research programs ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY, 2022.


Estigarribia, L; Chalabe, JKT; (...); Garcia-Romano, L. Co-design of a Teaching-Learning Sequence to Address COVID-19 as a Socio-scientific Issue in an Infodemic Context SCIENCE & EDUCATION, 2022.


Shelton, CC; Curcio, R; (...); Schroeder, SE. Instagramming for Justice: The Potentials and Pitfalls of Culturally Relevant Professional Learning on Instagram TECHTRENDS, 2022.


Pattier, D. Design and validation of an instrument to analyze educational YouTube channels REVISTA ICONO 14-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE COMUNICACION Y TECNOLOGIAS, 2022.


Pasquel-Lopez, C; Rodriguez-Aceves, L and Valerio-Urena, G. Social Network Analysis of EduTubers Frontiers in Education, 2022.


Buitrago, A and Torres-Ortiz, L. Science Communication on YouTube: Comparison between Institutional Channels vs. Science Influencers FONSECA-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2022.


Buitrago, A and Ortiz, LT. Science influencers on Twitch: Science communication by video-streaming in times of COVID-19 TEKNOKULTURA: REVISTA DE CULTURA DIGITAL Y MOVIMIENTOS SOCIALES, 2022.



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Barrero-Fernandez, B; Mula-Falcon, J and Domingo, J. Educational constellations: a systematic review of macro-networks in education INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT, 2023.


Lopez-Torres, E; Carril-Merino, MT; (...); De La Calle-Carracedo, M. Twitter in Initial Teacher Training: Interaction with Social Media as a Source of Teacher Professional Development for Social Studies Prospective Educators Sustainability, 2022.


Marcelo-Martinez, P and Garcia, CM. Teacher affinity spaces on Twitter. The case of hashtag #Claustrovirtual RED-REVISTA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA, 2022.


Vaillant, D and Marcelo, C. Initial Teacher Education: The Current Model and the Keys to Change REICE-REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA SOBRE CALIDAD EFICACIA Y CAMBIO EN EDUCACION, 2021.


Цитаты в Scopus

Gil-Quintana, J., Vida de León, E. . Educational influencers on instagram: Analysis of educational channels, audiences, and economic performance), Publications, .


Vaillant, D., Marcelo, C. . Initial teacher education: The current model and the keys to change | [Formación Inicial del Profesorado: Modelo Actual y Llaves para el Cambio]), REICE. Revista Iberoamericana Sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educacion, .


Arrobo-Agila, J.P., Suing, A., Aguaded, I. . Transmedia narratives in communication in times of crisis: The 2016 ecuador earthquake | [Narrativas transmedia en la comunicación de catástrofes: El terremoto de Ecuador del 2016]), Contratexto, .


Khalil, M., Belokrys, G. . What Does Twitter Say About Self-Regulated Learning? Mapping Tweets From 2011 to 2021), Frontiers in Psychology, .


Sierra-Rodríguez, A., Arroyo-Machado, W., Barroso-Hurtado, D. . Twitter and human trafficking: Purposes, actors and topics in the Spanish-speaking scene | [La trata de personas en Twitter: Finalidades, actores y temas en la escena hispanohablante]), Comunicar, .


Guiñez-Cabrera, N., Mansilla-Obando, K. . Booktokers: Generating and sharing book content on TikTok | [Booktokers: Generar y compartir contenidos sobre libros a través de TikTok]), Comunicar, .


Carpenter, J.P., Shelton, C.C., Schroeder, S.E. . The education influencer: A new player in the educator professional landscape), Journal of Research on Technology in Education, .


Carneiro, B., Resce, G., Läderach, P., Schapendonk, F., Pacillo, G. . What is the importance of climate research? An innovative web-based approach to assess the influence and reach of climate research programs), Environmental Science and Policy, .


Fan, Y., Elliott, K.. Sparse, Pair-Wise, Emotion-Focused Interactions: Educators’ Networking Patterns on Twitter at Early Pandemic), Contemporary Educational Technology, .


Estigarribia, L., Torrico Chalabe, J.K., Cisnero, K., Wajner, M., García-Romano, L.. Co-design of a Teaching–Learning Sequence to Address COVID‑19 as a Socio‑scientific Issue in an Infodemic Context), Science and Education, .


Yot-Domínguez, C., Marcelo, C.. Teachers’ formal and non-formal learning strategies for their professional development: Design and validation of an instrument), Education Policy Analysis Archives, .


Shelton, C.C., Curcio, R., Carpenter, J.P., Schroeder, S.E.. Instagramming for Justice: The Potentials and Pitfalls of Culturally Relevant Professional Learning on Instagram), TechTrends, .


Buitrago, Á., Torres-Ortiz, L.. Science Communication on YouTube: Comparison between Institutional Channels vs. Science Influencers ), Fonseca Journal of Communication, .


Pattier, D.. Design and validation of an instrument to analyze educational YouTube channels ), Icono14, .


Barrero-Fernández, B., Mula-Falcón, J., Domingo, J. . Educational constellations: a systematic review of macro-networks in education ), International Journal of Educational Management, .


Núñez-Román, F., Hunt-Gómez, C.I., Gómez-Camacho, A.. Textisms as a Non-sexist Language Mechanism. Digital Communication and Educational Effects ), Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades, .


López-Torres, E., Carril-Merino, M.T., Miguel-Revilla, D., Verdú, M.J., de la Calle-Carracedo, M.. Twitter in Initial Teacher Training: Interaction with Social Media as a Source of Teacher Professional Development for Social Studies Prospective Educators ), Sustainability , .


Mora-Cruz, A., Saura, J.R., Palos-Sanchez, P.R.. Social media and user-generated content as a teaching innovation tool in universities), Teaching Innovation in University Education: Case Studies and Main Practices, .


Ariza, A.C., Linde-Valenzuela, T., García, M.G., Magaña, E.C.. Twitter and learning at university: Analysis of scientific production in Scopus ), Edutec, .


Mellado-Moreno, P.C., Patiño-Masó, J., Ramos-Pardo, F.J., Estebanell-Minguell, M. . Speeches on Facebook and Twitter about the educational use of smartphones in the classroom ), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social , .


Al Balushi, W., Al-Busaidi, F.S., Malik, A., Al-Salti, Z. . Social Media Use in Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Literature Review), International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, .


Rodríguez-Peral, E.M., Franco, T.G., Ludeña, A.F.. Healthcare influencers: analysis of the role of Spanish healthcare professionals in social networks ), TECHNO Review. International Technology, Science and Society Review / Revista Internacional de Tecnología, Ciencia y Sociedad, .


Open Access Marcelo-Martínez, P., García, C.M. . Teacher affinity spaces on Twitter. The case of hashtag #Claustrovirtual), Revista de Educación a Distancia, .


López Vicent, P., del Mar Sánchez Vera, M.. Pedagogical Renewal Movements in Networks with an Ecosocial Perspective: The Case of Teachers For Future), REICE. Revista Iberoamericana Sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educacion, .


Tintoré, M., Gratacós, G., Ladrón de Guevara, B.. A Scoping Review of the Literature on Teacher Leadership in Spain ), Leadership and Policy in Schools, .


Marcelo-Martínez, P., Marcelo, C.. Affinity spaces on a Twitter hashtag for teacher learning), Globalisation, Societies and Education, .


Enthoven, S., März, V., Dupriez, V. . Context matters: A meta-ethnographic study on teachers’ workplace learning ), Teaching and Teacher Education, .


Núñez-Román, F., Gómez-Camacho, A., Hunt-Gómez, C.I. . Gender-Inclusive Textisms: How Spanish-speaking educational communities promote linguistic innovations on twitter ), Linguistics and Education, .


Marcelo-Martínez, P., Yot-Domínguez, C.R., Marcelo, C. . Teachers and social networks: uses and motivation), Revista de Educación a Distancia, .


Цитаты в Google Scholar

Rios Moyano, S., Jiménez Gálvez, A., Pozuelo Rosado, L., Santos Gallego, M., Márquez Cano, R., Burruecos Suárez, B., ... & Morgado Ramírez, E. (2021). designart_ist, un proyecto en Twitter. Nuevos modos de aprendizaje y difusión en red.


Gil-Quintana, J., & León, E. V. D. (2021). Educational Influencers on Instagram: Analysis of Educational Channels, Audiences, and Economic Performance. Publications, 9(4), 43.


Rios-Moyano, S., Jiménez-Gálvez, A., Pozuelo-Rosado, L., Santos-Gallego, M., Márquez-Cano, R., Burruecos-Suárez, B., ... & Morgado-Ramírez, E. (2021). @ designart_ist, un proyecto en Twitter. Nuevos modos de aprendizaje y difusión en red. Revista UNES. Universidad, Escuela y Sociedad, (11), 42-61.


Vaillant, D., & Marcelo, C. (2021). Formación Inicial del Profesorado: Modelo Actual y Llaves para el Cambio. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 19(4).


Sierra-Rodríguez, A., Arroyo Machado, W., & Barroso Hurtado, D. (2022). La trata de personas en Twitter: Finalidades, actores y temas en la escena hispanohablante.


Arrobo-Agila, J. P., Suing, A., & Aguaded, I. (2021). Narrativas transmedia en la comunicación de catástrofes: el terremoto de Ecuador del 2016. Contratexto, (036), 205-228.


Sierra-Rodríguez, A., Arroyo-Machado, W., & Barroso-Hurtado, D. (2022). Twitter and human trafficking: Purposes, actors and topics in the Spanish-speaking scene. Comunicar, 30(71), 79-91.


Vaillant, D., & Marcelo, C. (2021). Formación inicial del profesorado: Modelo actual y llaves para el cambio. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 19(4), 55-69.


Gil-Quintana, J. (2021). Vida de León, E. Educational Influencers on Instagram: Analysis of Educational Channels, Audiences, and Economic Performance. Publications 2021, 9, 43. Research, Literacy, and Communication Education, 21.


Guiñez-Cabrera, N., & Mansilla-Obando, K. (2022). Booktokers: Generating and sharing book content on TikTok. Comunicar, 30(71), 119-130.


Moyano, S. R., Toro, M. C., Moreno, A. P., Luque, E. G., & Lorente, D. C. DESIGNFLIX, un modelo para aprender diseño a través de Instagram.


Guiñez-Cabrera, N., & Mansilla-Obando, K. (2022). Booktokers: Generar y compartir contenidos sobre libros a través de TikTok. Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación, 30(71).


Khalil, M., & Belokrys, G. (2022). What Does Twitter Say About Self-Regulated Learning? Mapping Tweets From 2011 to 2021. Frontiers in psychology, 474.


Carpenter, J. P., Shelton, C. C., & Schroeder, S. E. (2022). The education influencer: A new player in the educator professional landscape. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 1-16.


Moyano, S. R., Lorente, D. C., Moreno, A. P., Toro, M. C., Pastor, J. T., & Luque, E. G. (2021). Designflix, un modelo para aprender diseño a través de Instagram. Revista UCES. dg “Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Diseño”, (16).


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Mellado-Moreno, P. C., Patiño-Masó, J., Ramos-Pardo, F. J., & Estebanell-Minguell, M. (2022). Speeches on Facebook and Twitter about the educational use of smartphones in the classroom. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (80), 225-240.


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Estrategias de Aprendizaje Formal y no Formal de Docentes para su Desarrollo Profesional: Diseño y Validación de un Instrumento CR Yot Domínguez, C Marcelo García - … de Políticas Educativas, 30 (82), 1 …, 2021 - idus.us.es


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Альтернативные метрики

Как процитировать

Marcelo, C., & Marcelo, P. (2021). Educational influencers on Twitter. Analysis of hashtags and relationship structure. [Influencers educativos en Twitter. Análisis de hashtags y estructura relacional]. Comunicar, 68, 73-83. https://doi.org/10.3916/C68-2021-06



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