
Childhood, adolescence, television, rights, participation, critic consumer, opinion research, broadcast programming


The paper analyses the perceptions of a representative sample of the Spanish population aged between 12 and 18 with respect to the protection of their rights by television channels. To this end, a survey was distributed with 59 questions designed specifically for much wider research to analyse the opinion of minors on the protection of their rights on television and the Internet. No question in the survey referred to specific channels or programmes identified by the researchers and the information on these arose from the adolescents’ own opinions. The results presented refer to data on television and, more specifically, the respect of the fundamental rights of television viewers in general and those of minors in particular. From these results, we can conclude that adolescents clearly perceive the infringement of the following rights: equality, dignity and privacy; objective, accurate and pluralistic information; free expression and opinion – particularly when this refers to children. Likewise, they demonstrate a critical position which rejects types of programmes that do not respect their rights. Researchers propose that this critical ability of younger viewers be utilised from a dual perspective: on the one hand to create a school of citizenship and, secondly, to encourage social change to bring about a more just and equitable society.


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Technical information

Received: 26-11-2013

Revised: 02-01-2014

Accepted: 26-02-2014

OnlineFirst: 15-05-2014

Publication date: 01-07-2014

Article revision time: 37 days | Average time revision issue 43: 44 days

Article acceptance time: 92 days | Average time of acceptance issue 43: 92 days

Preprint editing time: 171 days | Average editing time preprint issue 43: 159 days

Article editing time: 216 days | Average editing time issue 43: 204 days


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Views: 28794

Abstract readings: 24453

PDF downloads: 4341

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Cited by

Cites in Web of Science

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Garcia Jimenez, Antonio; Tur-Vines, Victoria; Pastor Ruiz, Yolanda. Media consumption by adolescents and young people. News, audiovisual contents and audience measurement REVISTA ICONO 14-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE COMUNICACION Y TECNOLOGIAS, 2018.

Cites in Scopus

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How to cite

Espinosa-Bayal, M., Ochaíta-Alderete, E., & Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, H. (2014). Adolescent television consumers: Self-perceptions about their rights. [Adolescentes consumidores de televisión: autopercepciones sobre sus derechos]. Comunicar, 43, 181-188.



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