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Comunicar Journal 39: Curriculum and Teacher Training in Media Literacy (Vol. 20 - 2012)

From digital and audiovisual competence to media competence: Dimensions and indicators


The need to set out the conceptualization of media competence leads to a broader perspective in which there is a convergence of factors linked to the digital and audiovisual competences, both of which constitute the reference framework for «information processing and digital competence», which is the key competence in Spain’s national curriculum. Despite the ongoing experiences in audiovisual and digital communication few attempts have been made to define the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for a person to be deemed competent in these two areas, which are essential for the teaching and learning processes. This paper analyzes six important studies on digital and audiovisual literacy, considering issues such as the recipients, the conceptualization used in each study and the dimensions they suggest, the type of taxonomy, indicators...and the educational proposals: objectives, content, activities are systematized in a series of dimensions and indicators to define media literacy and design activities for a didactic proposal in accordance with the indicators established. The development of this research has led us to affirm the need for convergence in terminology and the expansion of resources based on the indicators defined, which affect the diverse areas of media literacy in an effective way and function to enable teaching actions among the various groups that comprise today’s society.