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- Volume 16 (2008)
- Comunicar Journal 32: Mapping Media Education. Policies in the world
- Comunicar Journal 31: To teach the look. Some proposals to teach watching TV
- Multi-screen society: a challenge for media literacy
- Transverse readings: how to build critical audiences
- The process of TV reception as contextual interaction
- Towards a democratic education of the look
- TV as an instrument of moral education for democratic citizenship
- Backstage of TV for children: criteria underlying programming construction
- Children programmes and sensationalist TV: entertaining, misinforming, miseducating
- The right to the screen: from media education to educommunication in Brazil
- Television and young people in Spain
- The critical education of young people about TV: countries in northern and central Europe
- Reality construction by Spanish infancy across TV consumption
- Adolescents’ television viewing habits and its relation with values
- Co-educating the gaze against gender stereotypes in TV
- Watching TV with family
- Community dimension of media literacy
- Watching movies at home: an overview to family socialization
- How to educate the gaze and manufacture the news: the citizen in the BBC broadcast information
- «Infant television newscast»: learning resource in TV
- Pass in language, maths... and TV
- Watching TV with visual impaired children
- ‘Communicative Frenzy’ as disinformation
- Education is in the hands of four actors: parents, teachers, children and TV
- The TV: an educational tool in the context of the family
- The impact of the screen codes
- Teaching to watch family from the school and the family
- A descriptive study of TV consumption in children in Primary and High schools
- TV is not Mary Poppins
- TV: responsibility in socialization
- TV and elderly people: educating or mis-educating?
- The family and the children’s consumption of television: orientations and proposals
- Learning identity: what kind of children do children perceive when they watch TV?
- Commercialized childhood
- TV and children in Italy: experiences on teaching television
- Television literacy at the «kindergarden»
- Child-school-TV and their relationship in the readings of the world
- TV in the daily life of children: the case of Santiago de Chile
- Social and educational features in children´s TV programming: «La Banda» at the Radio and Television of Andalucía
- TV, contents and childhood: keys to teach TV watching
- «Cuatro»: the new strategy of television trademark to connect with young people
- Information on TV: youngsters should also be taken into account
- TV and family: working together for the education?
- Readings of TV from teenagers storyboards
- Are there social stereotypes in teenagers´ viewing habits?
- What values do adolescents perceive in their favourite TV programmes?
- Anything goes? Towards an ethical look in the mass media
- Teaching to watch TV as part of «Education for the Citizenship»
- The use of women as sex objects in advertising
- Values education in childhood TV programmes
- TV and education in values
- Educative TV or TV-sitter?: attitudes towards the current TV
- Who sees what? Contributions for an open debate about television in the context of media literacy
- Intelligent audiences: a possible challenge
- Learn to observe: «The Boarding School», a proposal for developing critical thinking
- Viewing comprehension: an educational experience interpreting television sports from Brazil
- Media education in the digital age
- The use of digital video in class: a pedagogical proposition
- Educating our ways of viewing through the dialogue
- Audiovisual education to promote multiple competences
- TV is our business
- Chalk, camera, action: an experiment in reading and production of the image for teachers´ training
- Television of proximity and audiovisual literacy
- Why teaching to watch TV?
- Learning to watch TV: from virtual to specialization in the creative use of TV
- Education on TV in France
- Teaching sport with TV
- Educating the sight and the audiovisual writing
- Mass media educative value: social correlations
- Teaching how to watch TV, an outstanding subject
- School and TV: love and mistrust in a liquid environment
- Media education in the Spanish legislation
- Image as a daily learning opportunity
- Another audio-visual education
- Psychopedagogic orientation for learning and teaching to watch TV
- Relations between school and TV: making visible the invisible
- Portuguese RTP2 and the promotion of media education
- Educational TV and teachers: an impossible relationship?
- TV and reality: a proposal for teachers´ training
- Methodological proposal to educate in mediations
- Image Pedagogy: TV advertisement critical reading
- Formation of the critical consciousness regarding mass media in Uruguay
- Teaching to watch television with a critical spirit
- Television consumption and profiles of the hearings: a customized way to watch TV
- The consumption of television: a big show
- Teaching to watch TV is our business
- The TV viewers associations facing the audiovisual communication challenge
- The «TV baby sitter» phenomenon as a modern cathodic «Super-nanny»
- TV and strategies to promote consumption among young girls
- The reception of soap operas and the genre perspective
- University television and public service
- Spain: bottom of the league regarding quality TV
- Education in mobility
- The deceitful sight: audiovisual dictatorship and democratic counterpower
- Public service models in European TV: a comparative analysis of TVE and BBC
- TV online: different ways to watch and interpret
- Screens’ societies: potentialities and limits for media education
- Creative analysis of publicity in virtual environments
- Hypermedia project: TV magnifying glass
- Aesthetic education in television animation
- Cartoon movies at home: animation films and TV
- Informative programmes related to the mystery journalism: rubbish TV or informative rigour?
- Volume 13 (2005)
- Comunicar Journal 26: Communication for Health
- Comunicar Journal 25: Quality Television
- Is a quality television possible?
- Quality television: distinctiveness and audience
- About a television for the education in tuning multimedia
- What is the television that we have like?
- Teaching to watch TV: a necessary and possible option
- Does the TV shel exit in a global universe of communication?
- High quality television and autoregulations of the messages for children and youth
- The television we want… if we really want what we say
- Television, globalization and social change
- For a new educational use of radio and television in Latin america
- Towards another model of television system in the global communication age
- Archetype and reality on TV: Quality, formats and representation
- Viewers associations in quality television construction
- Television and viewers: civil society´s mobilization
- TV and viewers: a constant conflict
- Pitched battle for the audience. «Rubbish TV», «Rubbish Education»
- Television and teenagers, a mythic and controversial relationship
- Education for media, a necessary, urgent and with future question
- Citizens and screens: passivity or responsibility
- Literacy in the media communication: code and decoding of the digital narrative
- Educative project, tools for an audiovisual education
- Quality in children’s television
- TV: the star screen
- The television discourse. The seductive language of a imaginary and virtual world
- Television and televiewers
- Audiovisual language and manipulation
- Learning from the school and family to choose a quality television
- A quality television and the family
- TV a curricula resource and knowledge means
- Family in front of television: victim or guilty?
- The responsibility of television programme planners
- The future of the digital society and values in media education
- The search for communication in a multi-screen society: an ecology point of view
- Television, education and audience's identity construction
- Educational aim four our culture: learning to be semioticly strong
- The media is not the message any longer
- The hypnosis of screens: reflections on a possible awakening of televiewer
- The best TV offer for the free-time consuming TV viewer
- Television and mass media representation: contractual problems with the viewer
- Ciziten participation from the view of the law of social responsibility in radio and television of Venezuela
- Television and politcs: Spain and France
- The televiewer, a sovereign or a puppet of the political events?
- Political news on TV: are the citizens apathetic or interested in it?
- The excessive spectator (fan) and the communities online: studies of reception and mediatic education in «Big Brother»
- The viewers’ judgement about television reality narratives
- Andalusian people in the TV reality: audience through the anonymus andalusian stereotype on TV
- Journalists and viewers: challenges and demands for a process of interactive relation
- The teenager viewer as a castaway
- The effects of TV on children and teenagers
- What do the children´s audiences do with the television?
- Emotion and children´s habits regarding television
- Uses and rewards of television according to child receivers
- Parents, main referent for what children watch on TV
- The pre-school child on a TV viewer
- Is hanging being 6 hours better than watching TV for 1 hour?
- What the children of the world demand from television. Comparative International Research between 6 countries
- What do the Brazilian children think about what they learn on tv?
- Favourite children´s TV programmes arroung viewers from 6 to 8 years old
- The listening of one viewer. Children in front of television
- Musical language of the programme «Xuxa and the world of imagination»
- The soundtrack of the programme «Ra-Tim-Bum»
- TV advertising with acting children (up to 12 years): an analysis of audio-visual contents
- The television that youngter want: to a media of proximity
- Consumption of television among youngsters at University
- Youngsters in front of the telerubbish: case study
- Empirical study on the teensoap «Al salir de clase»: Soap Opera's power in the transmission of values among teenagers
- TV, development and language. A study on teenagers from Ceuta
- TV habits and values: a university teaching experience
- Television and Peruvian Audience in oral and diverse country
- Audiovisual violence and its developmental effects: a theoretical and empiric study
- TV and violence new ways of watching
- Effects that images of suffering, violence and death have on viewers and society
- Violence in the cartoons of past and present days
- Television, advertising and communication
- Weblogues: a new instrument for the promotion of the communication between television and viewers
- The positioning in 20’’: the self-promotion of the television networks
- Towards a more participative television
- Adjustment of the electronic commerce to the digital television
- The influence of television on TV viewers’ consuming habits: the viewer’s associations report
- «Selling me softly, sharp persuasion»: influence of placement product on the children´s audience of serials
- The political and publicity profit that comes from (self-interested)compliances to the demand
- Consuming as consumers and not as spectators
- Evolution in the preferences of audio-visual product consumers
- The sustainable mobility in advertising observatory and television
- TV social representations social and children
- Tips for a didactic application of TV advertising to the learning of the language
- The uncertain status of Images in Digital Age
- Gender and Television. Stereotypes and power relations in TV
- The representation of the «other-woman» in the screens: filmic contents in television and co-education
- Theoretic bases for the reflection on the social meaning of theoretical famous and less famous people in television
- The role of television in the constitution of contemporary readers
- Genres of «simulation of reality»: Production as a key concept for the analysis of media products
- National fiction series and audiences: a business handed on a plate
- The contents on local television
- The local public television: a platform for contents of citizen service
- TV newsreader´s voice
- The newsreader: requirements for on effective communication
- Cinema and television: the dangerous friendships
- Music and television
- The from «Wises Commission report»: bases for a quality TV
- Standards of quality in TV and their valuation
- The model of public television scheduling as model of quality television
- Ethical principles for a quality TV
- Wanting to, knowing how or beging able to achieve a quality TV
- Social function of the media and the present Spanish television
- Television: paying for quality? Public and private networks in public service mission
- The audiovisual producers: tools analysis
- Is the future TV a wanted TV?
- The faustian bargain: the interactive television that we would (not) like to have
- Quality and digital terrestrial television
- The thematic channels: an alternative to the programming of the generalist television
- The local television of proximity: horizontal networks
- Approach to the empiric measurement of quality in children´s TV contents
- Children´s programming: between education and entertainment
- Luddites or convinced? An approach to reality in children´s television
- Television message of programmes and publicity addressed to children: approach to the quality of its content
- A methodology for the quality study of the programmatic audio-visual contents aimed at children
- The quality in cartoons on television
- The impact as on educational strategy on the XXI century television
- The TV we deserve
- Quality as opposed to Uncertainty: fear and risks of watchin
- Television quality from and citizen participation
- The citizen’s interest for in the TV contents: the new TV actors
- The critical viewer: a determinative agent in the TV quality
- TV Ombudsman: an argument against Pandora’s Box
- Hybridization of genres and crisis in the quality of television: the role of audiovisual councils present television
- The news from the televisions by Internet: analysis of web site of Tele5 and Antena3
- The political telegenia in a quality television
- Dominated television: some limitations from TV in education and arguments for television competence
- The TV contents and the social control of its quality: the weblogs, a new interactive tool
- Towards public broadcast 2.0.: BBC Creative Archive
- Television and Information: analysis of television quality criteria in national channels news
- TV news: weaknesses or manipulation?
- Is television news an informative and educational programme or just a way of entertainment?
- From the illiteracies to the telerubbish: investigation on transition's processes
- «Other news» and spanish news: an analysis's proposal
- The programming quality of own production newscasts in the local radio broadcasting of Castilla and León
- Debates on television schedules and its use like a measure of programmes quality
- The competition as quality gender on Spanish television
- The TV series pilot: analysis of «Aída», the first spanish spin off
- Six feet Under, a quality series: narrative analysis of the pilot program
- Television fiction and generation representation: old people models in national TV series
- Reality shows: how to exploit a TV genre
- Value analysis and audiovisual production quality
- A proposal for the evaluation of television quality formats
- Television in Europe: analysis and comparison of the main public television channels in six countries
- Quality television: actions and good practices in the Italian TV
- Discussion of parameters of quality to analyse Portuguese TV 2 programmes
- Towards an index of television quality: an Argentinian experience
- Argentine television programming and the absent state: companies vs citizens´rights
- The law of Social Responsibility and the quality of the television in Venezuela
- For a quality drama on television: the second golden age of North American television
- Lessons of Brazilian television to build a concept of quality TV: focus, the TV program Pânico na TV!
- From an educational TV in a global sense to an educational TV in a strict sense
- Is it an educational television in the digital multibroadcast age possible
- Educative television as a university methodological strategy
- Educative TV: «Sesame Street» as a practical example
- Social popular movements from critical reading of television contents
- Studies of collaborative audio-visual cases on educational television as education’s methodologies in European space of higher education
- Television and education, partners on the verge of hysteria
- The disassociation between television and education
- Educating media competence: new ways of consumption and educational perspectives
- A digital television-based program in Media Education
- Teaching how to watch television
- New forms to watch: New forms to teach to watch
- To persuade or to educate: TV’s Role in the global village
- TV and School: understanding communicative ecosystem
- From TV at school towards TV for school
- A new motivation: the television in the school
- The challenge within the mass-media’s affaire: a change inside the representations which constructs knowledge
- Television and university: a meeting for the reflection and the training of the future teachers
- The television in the novice teacher's formation at the university
- Television, disabled people and formative curriculum of the teachers
- Setting audiovisual creation between teachers and trainers
- Literacy and televisión like development structures for learninging Latinamerica
- Which tv do teachers want? From unrecognized experiences to emerging knowledge of the selection of video and TV programs
- Television: silly box or magical box?
- Influences of television on the family education
- Psychopedagogical Orientation, education and television
- Children, TV and violence: a media literacy approach
- Television, cinema and teenagers: relationship and aspirations
- Orientationto improper consumption on television in childhood
- Television and childhood: teacher’s formation perspective
- The cartoons of television and its educational value
- The television’s cartoons as transmision´s resource of educative and cultural values
- Televisión abuse on our students´s side: how, when and why
- Television and teachers: report on practices in classes of children aged 7 to 11
- Media representation and teenagers’ audiovisual production
- Animated cartoons and children
- Two ways to focus televisión in the school as a curricular tool
- TV as a way of social behaviour: a pedagogical proposal
- Educational possibility on education
- Television: a tool for acquiring knowledge, skills and values
- The TV, an instrument in the classroom
- Let us teach to discriminate stereotypes sexist on television
- Television as a messenger of attitudes, values and ideological referents
- Scientific Education on television
- Scientific education, society and TV
- Television as a teaching tool and as a way of knowledgement in the area of History
- Musical and educational programes on television
- «Buen provecho»: television in the workshop-classroom to a cookery and pastry workshop
- Sports and television: a perspective from the physical education
- The spots, a possibility to develop the environmental education through the television
- Telepuebla and Ebarrios TV, two experiences of audiovisual communication
- Brazilian experiences with communitarian TVs
- From local tv to global education
- Latin american university videos and cultural, scientific and economic development
- The children's tv and adolescents with camera by hand
- Quality cinema: literacy reading strategies through television
- Barcelona Film Diverse: young glances and voices for cultural diversity
- «Tweenies»: a TV-series as model for musical education in the classroom a transdisciplinary proposal
- When children are the public: analysing the information from Quiosque
- The public pedagogy of television advertising: a way of didactic appropiation
- You do your announcement amused
- 25² lines: mathematics on television
- The televison persuasive
- Children, cinema and television: an experiment with film and educational mediation
- First steps to guarantee good audio-visual habits on children