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Comunicar Journal 23: Music and Communication (Vol. 12 - 2004)

The media in the civil society


Tomás Pedroso-Herrera


The philosophers of the Illustration strained for defining the concept of «civil society», and came to the conclusion that this one was composed by the citizens’ associations that defended their interests out of the habitual politics. Nowadays, the civil society is made up by the not governmental organizations (NGO) and by the internationals organizations (for example, UNO), far from the economic profit that the market persecutes. The mass media have the force of changing the world and, because of it, the ONU and the NGO strain for creating programs that manage to put the mass media to the service of the civil society. Here are exposed the programs IPDC, the actions PNUD and the campaigns NetAid and CRIS.


Mass media, civil society, international programs of help