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Comunicar Journal 25: Quality Television (Vol. 13 - 2005)

Towards another model of television system in the global communication age


Carme Mayugo-i-Majó


Television plays a very important role in our societies but, until now, we have not been capable to stress on its social discussion and to promote a deep change of this media. Mostly channels (even public ones) remain closed to citizenship, too much influenced by advertising business and economic outcomes. Opening a big participation process within all social agents involved, it is possible to generate another television model, more open and connected with people. Three different questions are crucial in this process: a huge interaction between television producers and their multiples audiences, the creation of a third audiovisual sector (which the only owner should be community), and media literacy for everybody and everywhere. A qualified society for quality on televisions.


Television, social participation, third audiovisual sector, media literacy, audiences