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Comunicar Journal 25: Quality Television (Vol. 13 - 2005)

Evolution in the preferences of audio-visual product consumers


Lorena Rodríguez-Campo

Valentín-Alejandro Martínez-Fernández

Óscar Juanatey-Boga


Television has turned into a powerful medium of communication and broadcasting of information, besides having an evident function of leisure and entertainment. New formulas areinvestigated to obtain higher levels of audience shares, which reverberate in fragmented programming since different contents don’t provoke the same acceptance and interest amongst viewers, so varied product and genres are joined together. Through this investigation the intention is to evaluate the practices, habits, preferences and behaviors of fiction viewers. The audio-visual Spanish panorama will be compared with the European one in order to obtain conclusions regarding the guidelines of consumption and the principal similarities and differences between these markets.


Consumer behaviour, audio-visual market, television products, viewers