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Comunicar Journal 31: To teach the look. Some proposals to teach watching TV (Vol. 16 - 2008)

Chalk, camera, action: an experiment in reading and production of the image for teachers´ training


Sandra-Mara de-Oliveira-Souza


The present work consists of a research report focused on an experiment with image production and reading aimed at the training of teachers of the state school system in the district of Parnamirin, which belongs to the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in the north-east of Brazil. This district, marked by the presence of a North American military air base during the Second World War, was the setting for the creation of a video documentary on Cultural Diversity, which is part of the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. The subjects of the research, teachers of this district, took part in all the stages collectively, from the script and the selection of the format, to the release of the programme in the community and its following spread through the school network.


Culture, education, video, teachers' formation, view education