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Comunicar Journal 31: To teach the look. Some proposals to teach watching TV (Vol. 16 - 2008)

Another audio-visual education


Manuel Granado-Palma


Although the image in movement in the cinema and on television is the most complex audiovisual manifestation, it should not be forgotten that it is not the only one. Oral narrations, drawings and commented pictures, dramatizations, the different representation varieties such as marionettes, shade theatre, puppet shows, and so on, are resources of great potential to work audiovisual education from other perspectives. They also suppose the establishment of an educational basis, fundamental in the future to be able to work on moving images with solid grounds of maturity and knowledge. This paper focuses on the inclusion of all these resources inside the process of audiovisual education, being fundamental their treatment in the first years of formation.


Audio-visual education, audio-visual means, image, cinema, television, picture, story, theatre