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Comunicar Journal 32: Mapping Media Education. Policies in the world (Vol. 16 - 2009)

Information skills: conceptual convergence between information and communication sciences


Jesús Lau

Jesús Cortés


Nowadays, information is one of the main resources for an individual’s development and wellbeing, therefore distributing and using information must be a top priority for society. This entails establishing strategies so people can learn to use this resource. Furthermore, scientific progress and present-day educational paradigms stress trans-disciplinary learning. Information and communication sciences are complementary by nature –one focusing on the medium and the other on the process– so there must be greater clarity and conceptual consistency in a number of key shared areas. This document is an effort, from the perspective of library science and information science, to identify some possible meeting-points between these disciplines, regarding the study and development of the necessary competencies to handle information adequately.


Information skills, information competencies, media literacy, computer literacy, library science,in formation society, information use