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Comunicar Journal 32: Mapping Media Education. Policies in the world (Vol. 16 - 2009)

Curricular contribution to media education: A work in progress


Renato Opertti


The autor addresses the analysis of media and information literacy from an education and curricular perspective emphasizing the development of competencies that students require in order to have an active participation in the current world. He analyses the processes of curriculum development that, made up by political and technical components, reflect the type of society we wish to construct. Likewise, he presents the concept of inclusive education as an educational vision that aims at guaranteeing the right of all children, young people and adults to receive an education accommodated to their expectations, needs and forms of learning, assuring participation and equality of opportunities. He introduces the concept of a «glolocal » curriculum, which is based on the development of competencies in the students to make possible a feedback between the global and local realities, trying to bring the schools closer to the situations of the daily life. The analysis concludes by strengthening that media and information literacy should be cross-cutting in the curricula which requires, among other things, a high-quality teacher education, fluid communication among teachers and solid and inclusive educational proposals within participatory processes leading to agreements.


Media Literacy, inclusive education, competency-based approaches, curriculum development, curriculum, cross-cutting, learning situations