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Comunicar Journal 32: Mapping Media Education. Policies in the world (Vol. 16 - 2009)

A WebQuest for vocational guidance in High Schools


Ángel Hernando-Gómez


The present paper exposes a teaching resource, designed to serve as a complement to the Vocational and Professional Counseling Program of High Schools. The WebQuest intended to facilitate students´ self-knowledge, the knowledge of the academic and professional environment and to help them in the process of decision-making. This work also presents the characteristics of the tool, the websites where it is housed, the working methodology, the objectives of the teaching resource, a description of the process the learners should go through in order to accomplishing the task, the most representative result and the final conclusions. As a final conclusion, we underline that the ICTs use in professional counseling could optimize and enrichment those interventions developed in High School centers.


WebQuest, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), career counseling, teaching resources, secondary schools