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Comunicar Journal 36: Television and its New Expressions (Vol. 18 - 2011)

A new meaning of educational television: from school to audience’s everyday life


Valerio Fuenzalida-Fernández


When analyzing the reception of different Latin American television genres, it can be seen how education is conceptualized –from the point of view of subjects inserted in their daily social practices– as more greatly linked to affectivity than to cognition, thus distinguishing it from knowledge generated through formal schooling. In this sense, television programming has come to be redefined as educational, based on the audiences’ needs in each of their different home environments. Reception studies show that various programs are frequently classified as «educational programs », including news/journalistic programs, entertainment and fictional shows. This presents an opportunity for organizations and professionals of television to contribute to the improvement in the quality of life of their audience members, especially children and adolescents. With regards to the specific challenges that Latin American public television face, it is necessary to shift the axis from propaganda/situational to audiovisual programs that take into account the verbalized needs of various research projects in the region, especially for social groups that suffer not only financial disadvantages, but also those dealing with insecurity and ethnic exclusion.


Broadcasting TV, reception process, meaning from the audience, telenovela, children’s TV, audience