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Comunicar Journal 38: Media Literacy in Multiple Contexts (Vol. 19 - 2012)

Pedagogy of interactivity


Roberto Aparici

Marco Silva


This paper analyzes the pedagogy of transmission, with its unidirectional nature and features that it has in common with traditional media, and the pedagogy of interaction, one of participation, dialogue and co-authorship which harmonizes with the principles of Web 2.0. New media have implemented new communication models that allow every citizen to become a potential media communicator. This communicative ecosystem suggests a society of communicators in which everyone feeds each other with his or her creations and shares individual and collective knowledge. We review communication practices that utilize feedback as a strategy of interaction, when in fact these practices still favor the perspective of the sender. We then propose a model for the collective power of knowledge called the «feed-feed model», based on the individual and collective construction of knowledge. This knowledge, which can be organized in a virtual or real setting, characterizes the fundamental principles of interactivity, even though some sectors still view these as marketing strategies. We examine the virtual silence that exists in the culture of participation, and its implications for educommunication. The article concludes with a search for other pedagogical models, and the analysis of the consequences of perpetuating the transmission model in the face of the possibilities offered by the pedagogy of interaction.


Transmission, participation, interactivity, virtual silence, feed-feed model, culture of participation, knowledge