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Comunicar Journal 44: Moocs in Education (Vol. 22 - 2015)

Young learners’ objectives related to multimedia use and homework completion


Erdem Öngün

Askin Demirag


Individuals of all ages are inevitably affected by today’s technology. The main purpose of this study is to explore the objectives of 8th grade students related to the utilization of multimedia instruments ranging from personal computers to the Internet use while they are doing their homework. Specifically, it tries to find out whether there is a significant relationship between «for what purposes 8th graders use multimedia tools» and «which personal traits are reinforced while doing homework with multimedia tools?», where gender differences were also taken into consideration in the analysis of the related items in the questionnaire form. The population of the study is made up of 435 students who were randomly selected from five secondary schools in the city of Istanbul, Turkey. As a data collection method, a questionnaire form with a set of related research questions was used. Findings from the study show that 8th graders in their use of multimedia platforms are provided with a more interactive and independent learning environment where they can find more learning aids while accomplishing their homework objectives. Gender-based evidence from the study shows that digitally, male students are more active and they exploit the fun side of homework more compared to their female counterparts.


Technology, learning, homework, homework goals, personal traits, multimedia, young learners, statistical analysis