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Comunicar Journal 51: E-Innovation in Higher Education (Vol. 25 - 2017)

Online questionnaires use with automatic feedback for e-innovation in university students


Ana Remesal

Rosa-M. Colomina

Teresa Mauri

M.-José Rochera


Technological tools have permeated higher education programs. However, their mere introduction does not guarantee instructional quality. This article presents the results of an innovation project aimed at fostering autonomous learning among students at a Pre-School and Primary Teacher Grade. For one semester all freshmen students used a system for autonomous learning embedded in the institutional online platform (Moodle), which included automatic formative feedback. The system was part of a complex formative assessment program. We present results of the experience concerning two aspects: the students’ actual use of the system, and their final appraisal of it. The quantitative descriptive analysis focuses on the students’ perspective to evaluate the adequacy of the instructional decisions. Results indicate that students need certain limits to be able to manage their learning better if we pursue the quality of innovation. These limits refer mainly to the time of accessibility and the limitation of attempts of practice. With respect to time, an appropriate span of time (neither too long nor too short) must be chosen; with respect to the number of attempts, it is expedient to limit rather than promote free endless access.


Autonomous learning, formative evaluation, automatic feedback, higher education, online questionnaires, blended learning, innovation, students’ perspective