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Comunicar Journal 57: Artivism: Art and Social Engagement in a Digital World (Vol. 26 - 2018)

Artivism and social conscience: Transforming teacher training from a sensibility standpoint


José-María Mesías-Lema


This article incorporates research involving artivist and pedagogical curatorships (200717) that were developed by contemporary artists, university professors, students from the Faculty of Education, practising teachers and students from nursery, elementary and secondary school. It intends to showcase a series of artistic research projects financed by public institutions, facing the challenge of transforming teacher training. These contemporary artivismbased projects have been able to break academic barriers and obsolete routines in teacher training. One of the results of this experimentation has been materialised in exhibitions at renowned museums and contemporary art centres. They have managed to expand teaching models beyond the classroom space, as the emergence of the collective and the educational interest in the commons. A/r/tography was used as a research methodology that unveils the three interconnected identities of the 'artist, researcher and teacher' as the person who, in his or her teaching practice, is capable of developing a creative practice with students through experimental processes in artistic research. A/r/tography generates a learning space where educational meanings can be broken. It is in this intermediate zone of intellectual incitement that curators propose artivist projects capable of generating tactics of proximity between two apparently separate fields: art and education.


Artivism, social transformation, citizen empowerment, development art teachers, sensibility, curatorial practice, contemporary art, artography