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Comunicar Journal 69: Citizen participation in the digital sphere (Vol. 29 - 2021)

Digital creativity to transform learning: Empowerment from a com-educational approach


Iván Sánchez-López

Mónica Bonilla-del-Río

Ismar Oliveira Soares


Daily media use by an entire generation shows the distance that exists between the reality experienced by young people and the institutions responsible for their education. Formal education is still closely linked to the passive role of literary receivers, ignoring the potential of connected communication for student empowerment. At the same time, there is a growing interest in education from the professional media field. We have called this line of force the com-educational vector. In this study, we aim to describe the potential of a com-educational perspective to favor the empowerment of young people. The implemented methodology combines a chained articulation involving the analysis of multimodal discourse of com-educational platforms with interviews with privileged observers. The results show that the implementation of digital creation can be used for the construction of identity, interaction and socialization of students through emotion, empathy and the capacity for transformation. It enables the establishment of nodes between concepts, relational understanding, meaningful reconstruction and appropriation. It is concluded that, under this proposal, formal education institutions could move from a reactive model to a prospective model, revising the codes of emission and reception, and proposing meanings from creative action and feedback with the community.


Media literacy, educommunication, school, education, digital media, young people