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Comunicar Journal 73: Future Education: Prospective for sustainability and social justice (Vol. 30 - 2022)

Design process for the generation of future education scenarios


Alessandro Manetti

Pablo Lara-Navarra

Jordi Sánchez-Navarro


This paper brings together studies on the future and design methodologies to develop a novel proposal for prospective analysis in the field of education. We apply mixed research methods in combination with design methodologies to open up new routes for studying the evolution, impact and behaviour of trends in future scenarios. Our research is based on an analysis of qualitative data from secondary sources and interviews with experts, which we transform into quantitative data using fuzzy logic models applied to uncontrolled Internet data environments. Our goal is to verify the validity of the DEFLEXOR method, which addresses the need to identify educational opportunities based on future scenarios defined using megatrends detected in various fields. Our conclusions highlight that combining qualitative and quantitative approaches with the methodological principles of design thinking, together with automated calculations arising from creative reflection by experts, constitutes a powerful methodology for developing specific prospective studies.


Education, studies on the future, design, mixed methods, data mining, trends