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Revista Comunicar 56: Ciberacoso. La amenaza sin rostro (Vol. 26 - 2018)
Uso excesivo de redes sociales: Perfil psicosocial de adolescentes españoles
Excessive use of social networks: Psychosocial profile of Spanish adolescents
Sara Malo-Cerrato
Maria-de-las-Mercedes Martín-Perpiñá
Ferran Viñas-Poch
Poder entender los factores que predicen un uso excesivo de redes sociales en la adolescencia puede ayudar a prevenir problemas como conductas adictivas, soledad o ciberacoso. El principal objetivo es explorar el perfil psicológico y social de adolescentes que realizan un uso excesivo de redes sociales. Participaron 1.102 adolescentes de 11 a 18 años de Girona (España). Se agruparon los que realizaban un uso excesivo y se exploró su perfil de personalidad (NEO FFI, NEO PI-R y autoconcepto AF5) y el social (apoyo social percibido, tipología autoatribuida de consumo de TIC en la familia y normas de uso de las TIC en el hogar). La prevalencia de uso excesivo fue del 12,8%, siendo mayor en chicas. El perfil de personalidad se caracterizaba por el neuroticismo, la impulsividad y menor autoconcepto familiar, académico y emocional. Percibir elevado consumo de TIC en la madre y hermanos y no disponer de normas de uso define su perfil social. Los factores protectores fueron: la responsabilidad, tener normas de uso y ser chico, y los de riesgo: el uso de redes sociales para distraerse y divertirse, y la elevada percepción de consumo de los hermanos. Se sugiere plantear intervenciones según el sexo y trabajar el uso responsable de las TIC con el entorno familiar, para prevenir problemáticas psicológicas más graves.
Understanding the factors that predict excessive use of social networks in adolescence can help prevent problems as addictive behaviours, loneliness or cyberbullying. The main aim was to ascertain the psychological and social profile of adolescents whose use of SNSS is excessive. Participants comprised 1,102 adolescents aged between 11 and 18 from Girona (Spain). Those who made excessive use of social networks were grouped together. Their personality and social profiles were explored, the former using NEO FFI, NEO PI-R and Self-Concept AF5, and the latter through the use of Social Support Appraisals, self-attributed type of ICT use in the family and rules regarding ICT use at home. The prevalence of excessive use was 12.8%, being higher among girls. The personality profile was characterized by neuroticism, impulsivity and a lower family, academic and emotional self-concept. The social profile was defined by the perception of high ICT consump¬tion in the mother and siblings, and a lack of rules. The protective factors were conscientiousness, the existence of rules, and being a boy; risk factors were the use of SNSS as a distraction and for fun, and the perception of high sibling consumption. Interventions based on gender and working on responsible ICT use within the family environment are proposed to prevent more serious psychological problems.
Uso excesivo, redes sociales, adolescentes, personalidad, autoconcepto, apoyo social, consumo familiar, normas de uso
Excessive use, social networks, teenagers, personality, self-concept, social support, family consumption, rules of use