Evaluating the Effectiveness of Cross-Media Writing to Enhance Children’s Language Competences: An Educommunicative Study of Language Development in China
Cross-Media Writing, Language Development, Language Competence, Education Communicative PracticesAbstract
Despite the extensive focus on language development, Chinese children are facing several types of difficulties in developing their linguistic skills in English, majorly due to their extensive character-based writing system and complex tonal language. It is observed that cross-media writing helps the children to promote level of engagement in English writing through multimodal language learning, creativity fostering, collaborative learning opportunities and transferable skills which lead to the promotion of language skills. To address these issues, this study proposed the importance of the effectiveness of cross-media writing in language development. The blended use of blogs, podcasts, TikTok’s, videos, and Duolingo’s in TV ads as education communicative practices was considered as cross media platform. A survey questionnaire was developed for data collection from the language development experts in various Chinese educational institutions. By considering a cross-sectional research design, 265 valid responses were received and used in data analysis by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Findings of the study revealed the major contribution of crossmediawriting to language development of Chinese children. This study provides valuable insights for the practitioners to promote language development among the Chinese children using cross-media in educational communication.
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