Sequential literacy: the teaching of cinema in the age of audio-visual speech


  • José Antonio Palao


Film, postmodernism, audio-visual speech, poetics, hermeneutics, society of knowledge, hypertext


In the so called «information society», film studies have been diluted in the pragmatic and technological approaching of the audiovisual speech, as well as the own fruition of the cinema has been caught in the net of DVD and hypertext. The cinema itself reacts in the face of it through complex narrative structures that take it away from the standard audio-visual speech. The function of film studies at the university education should be the reintroduction of the rejected subject of the informative knowledge by means of the interpretation of film text..



How to Cite

Palao, J. A. (2007). Sequential literacy: the teaching of cinema in the age of audio-visual speech. Comunicar, 15(29), 87–93. Retrieved from