The Challenge of Audiences as (re) Active Drivers of Journalistic Change
audiences, digital journalism, journalistic change, journalistic metamorphosis, literature review, journalismAbstract
Digitization has expanded the boundaries of a journalistic field that was built up over more than a century and has led to questions about media, journalism, and the public spheres. The main objective of this article is to review and analyze the complex scenario in which journalism and digital journalism are developing, affecting legacy and digital native media, the profession and citizens, who, as an audience, occupy an increasingly central position. In the first phase of the study, the main axes and actors driving the metamorphosis of digital journalism are analyzed, to assess its functions and relevance using focus groups with academics and professionals in the area. The second phase focuses on the study of audiences and their relationship with journalism through a systematized literature review. The results show that the public is one of the main forces driving journalism. Placing them at the center of journalistic strategy involves understanding their needs, offering quality content, promoting transparency and credibility, and promoting literacy for critical media consumption. Prioritizing audiences is fundamental for establishing a solid and long-term relationship based on trust, an essential attribute for the success and sustainability of journalism in the digital era.
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