You do your announcement amused


  • José Clares
  • Trinidad de la Montaña


Educative television, announcements, publicity, television and education


The announcement is an element of the TV with much influence on the child world. For that reason the education, in this form, receives a character of vital importance in the first educative stage. In this work we presented a experience of the use of the television like a educational resource, with the primary target to educate to the pupils in the aggressive techniques for the diffusion of products as they are the announcements. The brief pupils carry out spots in which they will announce the virtues of a product trying to convince possible consumers of the necessity of his use. Thus, by means of the game they could be you participate in the mechanisms that are behind the announcements to which as much they are customary..



How to Cite

Clares, J., & de la Montaña, T. (2005). You do your announcement amused. Comunicar, 13(25). Retrieved from



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