Volume index
Journal index
Article index
Volume 25 (2017)
Comunicar Journal 53: Critical Citizenship and Social Empowerment in the Emerging Cybersociety
Meta-synthesis of literacy for the empowerment of vulnerable groups
Connected teens: Measuring the impact of mobile phones on social relationships through social capital
Social empowerment in Mexican violent contexts through media competence
Protesting on Twitter: Citizenship and empowerment from public education
Cyberactivisim in the process of political and social change in Arab Countries
University students and informational social networks: Total sceptics, dual moderates or pro-digitals
College students in Lima: Politics, media and participation
Technological skills and new professional profiles: Present challenges for journalism
Teacher-student relationship and Facebook-mediated communication: Student perceptions
Parent’s influence on acquiring critical Internet skills
Comunicar Journal 52: The Social Brain and Connective Intelligence
Neuroscience for content innovation on European public service broadcasters
Evaluation of emotional responses to television advertising through neuromarketing
Connective Intelligence for childhood mathematics education
The cognitive processing of an educational app with EEG and ’Eye Tracking’
Communication efficiency in education: Increasing emotions and storytelling
M-learning and augmented reality: A review of the scientific literature on the WoS repository
Formative assessment, communication skills and ICT in Initial teacher education
Music and its significance in children favourite audiovisuals
Promoting adolescents’ moral advertising literacy in Secondary Education
Digital reading and reading competence. The influence in the Z generation from the Dominican Republic
Comunicar Journal 51: E-Innovation in Higher Education
Formative research in ubiquitous and virtual environments in Higher Education
Using Twitter in Higher Education in Spain and the USA
Social labs in universities: Innovation and impact in medialab UGR
Higher education distance learning and e-learning in prisons in Portugal
Online questionnaires use with automatic feedback for e-innovation in university students
The use of social media and popular culture to advance cross-cultural understanding
The role of original version cinema into the European digital space
Spanish journalists’ perception about their professional roles
Stop-motion to foster digital literacy in Elementary School
Ecosystems of media training and competence: International assessment of its implementation in Higher education
Comunicar Journal 50: Technologies and Second Languages
Seamless language learning: Second language learning with social media
Original language subtitles: Their effects on the native and foreign viewer
Teachers’ use of ICTs in public language education: Evidence from second language Secondary-School classrooms
Mobile instant messaging: Whatsapp and its potential to develop oral skills
The tablet for second language vocabulary learning: Keyboard, stylus or multiple choice
Adolescents’ TV viewing patterns in the digital era: A cross-cultural study
From prosumer to prodesigner: Participatory news consumption
Cyberaggression among adolescents: Prevalence and gender differences
Digital leisure and perceived family functioning in youth of upper Secondary Education
The emotional impact of traditional and new media in social events