The television in the novice teacher's formation at the university


  • José Álvarez-García Universidad de Extremadura
  • José Ramírez
  • Amador Durán-Sánchez Universidad de Extremadura
  • María de la Cruz Del Río-Rama Universidad de Vigo
  • Abel Suing Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador


Didactics, the faculty's formation, quality of teaching and learning


The initial formation of the professors allows to know in a superficial way the value of television like an aid audiovisual applicable to teaching, but in the current circumstances in those that the educational demand in a society like the Venezuelan is required to use those means that allow that the teaching offers learning opportunities to more people, without Iowering the quality and significance of learnings. It gives us the purpose to study in depth the alternatives related to audiovisual means for the teaching that allow us to reach objectives guided toward the mentioned goal. In this sense, the television is a didactic resource with elements that contain a great educational potential through didactic objectives that allow to take advantage of their qualities as for the content or messages, and the space saving and time for its application. Through a very organized and based television, knowledge cannot only take place, but also to guide their use and to facilitate the application of that learning results, and a production technically well elaborated and adjusted to the limits of time that he/she has an university professor, it could be part of what is the plan of professional formation that a professor that begins in the university, takes only formation in the area of knowledge that he teaches (engineers, doctors, economists), lacking didactic formation. This formation could be one of the most important objectives in a program directed to the professors that don't know how to structure and to develop a teaching process and learning, and much less how to evaluate and to reorient its programs spreading to develop routines for a lot of time, while through television easily could recognize the expiration of the messages or contents in the materials that take place and they use, being able to not change them in short periods bigger than five years. The didactic objectives of the television programs will facilitate the answers of the how, when, what and why to teach, besides presenting a field experiencial that supplements and it illustrates the reality. The combination of images and sounds will contribute with the didactic objectives of the programs and they will serve so much of initial motivation as for the programmatic development, improving the possibilities of the students' achievement. It is very important that use as source images that can be used or extracted by Internet, or designed by computers, which will be basic source of the information to transform the words into elements of second order. Therefore, the sequence of the images will be a decisive aspect in the programs and later on the words will be added that will conform the script, logically incorporate for this context. In such a sense, the elaboration of the scripts will be very careful particularly according to the group to which will attend , satisfying its didactic necessities, also allowing to generate the motivation and to win the trust of the audience or the student and looking for in all moment the balance of the theoretical elements, the human aspects and the evaluation that it is made previously at the mean time of the scripts that he/she takes advantage the current resources of technical, human and economical resources of the University of The Andes (Venezuela)..



How to Cite

Álvarez-García, J., Ramírez, J., Durán-Sánchez, A., Del Río-Rama, M. de la C., & Suing, A. (2005). The television in the novice teacher’s formation at the university. Comunicar, 13(25). Retrieved from



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