Palabras clave

Ética, educación secundaria, bachillerato, integridad académica, plagio académico, competencias informacionales, evaluación, cultura escolar


En este trabajo se analiza el fenómeno del plagio académico entre el alumnado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato. Se trata de un tema poco estudiado en los niveles preuniversitarios y muy escasamente tratado en el contexto hispanohablante. Se investiga la prevalencia de este fenómeno así como su relación con el género y la procrastinación. Los datos fueron obtenidos mediante la administración de un cuestionario a una muestra representativa (n=2.794). Los resultados del estudio muestran que las prácticas constitutivas de plagio están ampliamente extendidas en las aulas de los ciclos educativos medios. Además, se demuestra que los varones presentan niveles de perpetración significativamente superiores a los de las mujeres y que el alumnado que tiende a dejar los trabajos hasta el último momento tiene mayor propensión a cometer plagio. Los frutos de esta investigación sugieren la necesidad de tomar en seria consideración la magnitud y severidad del problema detectado. Los centros de educación secundaria deben proyectar y acometer de manera perentoria medidas en aras de reducir y prevenir la comisión de este tipo de fraudes académicos. Los resultados también hacen recomendable que los docentes hagan un seguimiento y un control efectivo del proceso de elaboración de los trabajos académicos. La mejora de las competencias informacionales del alumnado es señalada como una de las estrategias necesarias para encarar eficazmente el problema.


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Citas en Web of Science


Cebrian-Robles, Violeta; Raposo-Rivas, Manuela; Jose Ruiz-Rey, Francisco;. University students knowledge on anti-plagiarism tolls and preventive measures PIXEL-BIT- REVISTA DE MEDIOS Y EDUCACION , 2020.

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Baysen, Fatma; Akcay, Ayten Ozsavas;. Architecture student's Understanding of Citations: Turkish vs. Asian and African EDUCATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY , 2019.

Yusoff, Nur Hafizah. Academic integrity among National University of Malaysia (UKM) students GEOGRAFIA-MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIETY & SPACE, 2019.

Porto Castro, Ana Maria; Espineira Bellon, Eva Maria; Losada Puente, Luisa; Gerpe Perez, Enelina Maria. Students from higher education institutions towards institutional and classroom policies on plagiarism BORDON-REVISTA DE PEDAGOGIA, 2019.

Munoz-Cantero, Jesus-Miguel; Rebollo-Quintela, Nuria; Mosteiro-Garcia, Josefa; Ocampo-Gomez, Camilo-Isaac; . Validation of a questionnaire of attributions to the detection of coincidences in academic work RELIEVE-REVISTA ELECTRONICA DE INVESTIGACION Y EVALUACION EDUCATIVA, 2019.

Carlos Torres-Diaz, Juan; Duart, Josep M.; Hinojosa-Becerra, Monica; . Plagiarism, Internet and Academic Success at the University JOURNAL OF NEW APPROACHES IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, 2018.

Rodriguez-Gomez, David; Castro, Diego; Meneses, Julio; . Problematic uses of ICT among young people in their personal and school life COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 2018.

Torres-Diaz, Juan-Carlos; Marin-Gutierrez, Isidro; Hinojosa-Becerra, Monica; . Uses of Internet and levels of plagiarism 2018 13TH IBERIAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (CISTI), 2018.

Cebrian-Robles, Violeta; Raposo-Rivas, Manuela; Cebrian-de-la-Serna, Manuel; Sarmiento-Campos, Jose Antonio; . PERCEPTION OF ACADEMIC PLAGIARISM BY SPANISH UNIVERSITY STUDENTS HANDBOOK OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY, 2018.

Cerezo, Rebeca; Esteban, Maria; Sanchez-Santillan, Miguel; Nunez, Jose C.. Procrastinating Behavior in Computer-Based Learning Environments to Predict Performance: A Case Study in Moodle FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2017.

Santos, Christiane C.; dos Santos, Patricia S.; Sant'ana, Mauricio C.; Masuda, Hatisaburo; Barboza, Monica B.; Vasconcelos, Sonia M. R.. Going Beyond Academic Integrity Might Broaden our Understanding of Plagiarism in Science Education: A Perspective from a Study in Brazil ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIAS, 2017.

Lopez-Gil, Monica; Angulo Rasco, Felix; Vazquez-Recio, Rosa. Cyber-Plagiarims in the secondary andalusian students: sense, gravity and reasons REVISTA ICONO 14-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE COMUNICACION Y TECNOLOGIAS, 2017.

Dias, Paulo C.; Mergendoller, John R.. Plagiarism vs. Pedagogy: Implications of Project-Based Learning Research for Teachers in the 21st Century Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development Book Series, 2017.

Hernandez-Amoros, M. J.; Urrea-Solano, M. E.; Ripoll-Ferrandiz, J.. PLAGIARISM IN ACADEMIC WORK BY STUDENT TEACHERS EDULEARN Proceedings, 2017.

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Baysen, Engin; Hoskova-Mayerova, Sarka; Cakmak, Nermin; Baysen, Fatma. Misconceptions Regarding Providing Citations: To Neglect Means to Take Risk for Future Scientific Research Studies in Systems Decision and Control, 2017.

Cebrian-Robles, Violeta; Raposo-Rivas, Manuela; Sarmiento-Campos, Jose-Antonio. Ethical or Dishonest Practice? Plagiarism in Academic Degrees REVISTA DE EDUCACION, 2016.

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Gomez-Espinosa, Maria; Francisco, Virginia; Moreno-Ger, Pablo. The Impact of Activity Design in Internet Plagiarism in Higher Education COMUNICAR, 2016.

Vazquez-Recio, R.; Calvo-Garcia, G.; Lopez-Gil, M.; Picazo-Gutierrez, M.; Ruiz-Bejarano, A. M.; Calvo-Gutierrez, P.. CONCEPTIONS AND CAUSES OF PLAGIARISM AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF THE DEGREE IN INFANT AND PRIMARY EDUCATION INTED Proceedings, 2016.

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Sanvicen Torne, Paquita; Molina Luque, Fidel. EFFECTS OF THE USE OF INTERNET AS A MAIN SOURCE OF INFORMATION Evidence freshmen college course PRISMA SOCIAL, 2015.

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Cuadrado, Damaris; Salgado, Jesus F.; Moscoso, Silvia;. Individual differences and counterproductive academic behaviors in high school PLOS ONE , 2020.

Chen, Mei; Zhang, Tingyu; Zhang, Ruqian;. Neural alignment during face-to-face spontaneous deception: Does gender make a difference? HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING , 2020.

Burbidge, Tamsin; Hamer, Rebecca;. Academic Honesty in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme: Student Teacher, and School Perspectives JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS , 2020.

Citas en Scopus

Comas-Forgas, R., Sureda-Negre, J.. Prevalence, ability to recognize academic plagiarism among university students in economics [Prevalencia y capacidad de reconocimiento del plagio académico entre el alumnado del área de economía]), Profesional de la Informacion, .

Gómez-Espinosa, M., Francisco, V., Moreno-Ger, P.. The impact of activity design in internet plagiarism in Higher Education), Comunicar, .

Cebrián-Robles, V., Raposo-Rivas, M., Sarmiento-Campos, J.-A.. Ethical or dishonest practices? Plagiarism degrees in Education [¿Ética o prácticas deshonestas? El plagio en las titulaciones de Educación]), Revista de Educacion, .

Dias, P.C., Mergendoller, J.R.. Plagiarism vs. pedagogy: Implications of project-based learning research for teachers in the 21st Century), Handbook of Research on Academic Misconduct in Higher Education, .

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Baysen, F., Baysen, E., Çakmak, N.. The effect of international baccalaureate program on high school students' misconceptions regarding plagiarism [Lise öǧrencilerinin intihal ile ilgili kavram yanilgilarinin giderilmesinde uluslararasi bakalorya programi'nin etkisi]), Bilgi Dunyasi, .

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Cebrián-Robles, V., Raposo-Rivas, M., Cebrián-de-la-Serna, M., Sarmiento-Campos, J.A.. Perception of academic plagiarism by Spanish university students [Percepción sobre el plagio académico de estudiantes universitarios Españoles]), Educacion XX1, .

Torres-Diaz, J.C., Duart, J.M., Hinojosa-Becerra, M.. Plagiarism, internet, academic success at the university), Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, .

Rodriguez-Gomez, D., Castro, D., Meneses, J.. Problematic uses of ICT among young people in their personal, school life), Comunicar, .

Torres-Diaz, J.-C., Marin-Gutierrez, I., Hinojosa-Becerra, M.. Uses of internet, levels of plagiarism [Usos de Internet y niveles de plagio]), Iberian Conference on Information Systems, Technologies, CISTI, .

Baysen, F., Cakmak, N., Ozsavaş Akçay, A.. Architecture students' attitudes toward plagiarism), Bilgi Dunyasi, .

Morales-Martinez, G.E., Lopez-Ramirez, E.O., Mezquita-Hoyos, Y.N., Lopez-Perez, R., Lara Resendiz, A.Y.. Cognitive mechanisms underlying the engineering students’ desire to cheat during online, onsite statistics exams), European Journal of Educational Research, .

Baysen, E., Hošková-Mayerová, Š., Çakmak, N., Baysen, F.. Misconceptions regarding providing citations: To neglect means to take risk for future scientific research), Studies in Systems, Decision, Control, .

Castro, A.M.P., Bellón, E.M.E., Puente, L.L., Pérez, E.M.G.. Students from higher education institutions towards institutional, classroom policies on plagiarism [Étudiants des établissements d'enseignement supérieur face aux des politiques institutionnelles et de salle de classe à propos du plagiat] [El alumnado universitario ante políticas institucionales y de aula sobre plagio]), Bordon. Revista de Pedagogia, .

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Chen, M., Zhang, T., Zhang, R., (...), Liu, T., Li, X. . Neural alignment during face-to-face spontaneous deception: Does gender make a difference?), Human Brain Mapping, .

Baysen, F., Akçay, A.Ö. . Architecture students’ understanding of citations: Turkish vs. Asian and African | [La comprensión de las citas por parte de los estudiantes de arquitectura: Turco vs. Asiáticos y Africanos]), Education in the Knowledge Society, .

Cuadrado, D., Salgado, J.F., Moscoso, S. . Individual differences and counterproductive academic behaviors in high school), PLoS ONE, .

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Espiñeira-Bellón, E.M., Mosteiro-García, M.J., Muñoz-Cantero, J.M., Porto-Castro, A.M. . Academic honesty as a criterion for evaluating the work of university), RELIEVE - Revista Electronica de Investigacion y Evaluacion Educativa, .

Arias-Chávez, D., Ramos-Quispe, T., Villalba-Condori, K.O., Postigo-Zumarán, J.E. . The characteristics of academic plagiarism in four universities in the city of Arequipa: A comparative study conducted on male and female students), International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, .

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Castro, A.M.P., Crego, C.P., García, M.J.M., Rey, Á.L. . The training process of citation and the needs of university students | [El proceso formativo de citación y las necesidades del alumnado universitario]), Revista Electronica Interuniversitaria de Formacion del Profesorado, .

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Cómo citar

Sureda-Negre, J., Comas-Forgas, R., & Oliver-Trobat, M. (2015). Academic plagiarism among secondary and High School students: Differences in gender and procrastination. [Plagio académico entre alumnado de Secundaria y Bachillerato: Diferencias en cuanto al género y la procrastinación]. Comunicar, 44, 103-111.



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