Open numbers in collaboration request
«Comunicar» publishes four issues a year (forty articles per year) and has two sections, five papers in each section: 1) Dossier: monograph section, previously organized, with call for papers, and coordinated by experts in the topics such as editors. 2) Kaleidoscope: varied contributions within the general subject of publication. The Editorial Board will assign the manuscript to the appropriate section. Authors may submit manuscripts for evaluation at any time, although for the purpose of entry shall be considered as received on the last day of each quarter. Monographs are closed six months before the publication of the journal.
Closed issues in editing process
Dr. José Soengas-Pérez, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Dr. Amanda Paz-Alencar, Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Dr. Ana-Isabel Rodríguez-Vázquez, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Metaversal and transhumanist environments: Perspectives on our impending digital reculturalization
Dr. José-Octavio Islas, Central University of Ecuador (Ecuador)
Dr. Fernando Gutiérrez-Cortés, Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico)
Cyberculture, Identity and diversity: online video games and digital learning
Dr. Elías Said-Hung, International University of La Rioja (Spain)
Dr. Roberto Moreno-López, University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)
The role of teachers and schools in reducing antisocial cyberbehaviours
Dr. Vicente J. Llorent, University of Cordoba (Spain)
Dr. Anabel Moriña, University of Seville (Spain)
Published issues