Comunicar is a scientific journal specialized in the areas of Education, Communication and Cultural Studies. It has been published continuously since 1993 and was one of the first Spanish journals in the area to be indexed in the Journal Citation Reports database of the Web of Science and Scopus. In terms of indexations in 2022, Comunicar is the only Spanish and Ibero-American Q1 journal in JCR in Communication and Education. In Scopus CiteScore is Q1 in Cultural Studies, Education and Communication. At Scopus SJR it is Q1 in Cultural Studies in Education and Communication. It is the 1st en FECYT METRICS (2020) in Education and 2nd in Communication, 1st in Dialnet Metrics (2020), 2nd in REDIB (2020) and is inserted in the most prestigious international bases of scientific journals in the world.
Quality formal evidence: Scientific Journal of international dissemination in education and communication. It has International Scientific Councils of Researchers and Scientific Reviewers, formed by 1486 experts from 78 countries. It submits its works to selection by "referee" and is currently one of the references in the Latin American world on this subject. It is published in full text in Spanish, English and summaries in Chinese.
Summarized indexing information: Journal Citation Reports (JIF 2022: 5.6. JCI 2022: 3.06. Inmediacy Index: 2.1. Eigenfactor Score: 0.00225. Q1 in Communication: 9/217. Q1 in Education: 17/600). Scopus (CiteScore 2022: 10.90. SNIP: 2.524. Q1 in Cultural Studies; 1/1203; Q1 in Comunicación: 9/493;Q1 in Education: 25/1469); Scopus (SJR 2022: Q1 in Cultural Studies: 8/1199. Q1 in Communication: 34/471. Q1 in Education: 80/1438. índice H: 51); Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI); Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) of Thomson Reuters; Recyt (FECYT Ceal, Excelence Journal); Dialnet Metris 2020: 4.545. Q1 in Education: 1/228. Q1 in Communication: 2/123. REDIB (CSIC) 2020: 2nd of 1199; Google Scholar Metrics 2021: (H index: 44; H5 index: 58. 3rd Journal of Top 100 of Scientific Journal in Spanish from all areas; CIRC, A Level, international; ERIH+ (European Reference Index for the Humanities): INT2 level, 2020; MIAR: ICDS 10.9 from 11 (2020). Ulrich's (CSA); DICE (CSIC/ANECA) (A+, val. DI: 42.35; %IC 40,32); Sociological Abstracts; MLA; ANPED Brasil (A Levelinternational); CARHUS Plus+ (A Level); Communication & Mass Media Complete; ERA (Educational Research Abstract); DIALNET; IBZ/IBR; Fuente Académica (EBSCO); IRESIE; REDALYC; REDINED; CEDAL; Latindex (Selective Catalogue: 36/36 criteria), ISOC (CSIC); COPERNICUS (ICV 2019, 182.38, first Spanish journal in all areas), Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet de Dinamarca; RESH RESH [1st in compliance parameters: CNEAI (18/18), ANECA (22/22), Latindex (33/33 and 36/36), international databases (12/12), expert opinion (79,54).
JCR Impact Factor - JIF
«Comunicar» in Journal Citation Reports (with Impact Factor JIF) is accepted in Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) of the Web of Science from 2007 (and indexed from 2009), being the 1st Spanish-language journal in the area of Communication and Education in Q1 since 2015.
· 2021: JIF = 5.725. Education & Educational Research: 18/268 (Q1); Communication: 10/95 (Q1).
· 2020: JIF = 6.013. Education & Educational Research: 7/266 (Q1); Communication: 9/94 (Q1).
· 2019: JIF = 3.375. Education & Educational Research: 22/263 (Q1); Communication: 13/92 (Q1).
· 2018: JIF = 3.338. Education & Educational Research: 10/243 (Q1); Communication: 9/88 (Q1).
· 2017: JIF = 2.838. Education & Educational Research: 19/238 (Q1); Communication: 7/84 (Q1).
· 2016: JIF = 2.212. Education & Educational Research: 29/236 (Q1); Communication: 12/79 (Q1).
· 2015: JIF = 1.438. Education & Educational Research: 47/231 (Q1); Communication: 19/79 (Q1).
· 2014: JIF = 0.838. Education & Educational Research: 95/224 (Q2); Communication: 35/76 (Q2).
· 2013: JIF = 0.350. Education & Educational Research: 177/219 (Q4); Communication: 60/74 (Q4).
· 2012: JIF = 0.350. Education & Educational Research: 175/219 (Q4); Communication: 56/72 (Q4).
· 2011: JIF = 0.470. Education & Educational Research: 138/206 (Q3); Communication: 51/72 (Q3).
· 2010: JIF = 0.455. Education & Educational Research: 128/184 (Q3); Communication: 52/67 (Q4).
· 2009: IF = 0.022. Communication: 55/55 (Q4). JCR: Education & Educational Research = not indexed yet.
· 2008: «Comunicar» is in Social Science Citation Index (SCI), in the process of evaluating citations not yet appearing in JCR.
· 2007: «Comunicar» is in Social Science Citation Index (SCI), in the process of evaluating citations not yet appearing in JCR.
Communication | Q4 | Q4 | Q3 | Q4 | Q4 | Q2 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Education | Q3 | Q3 | Q4 | Q4 | Q2 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
Scopus - Citescore Impact Factor
Comunicar in Scopus - Citescore: It is one of the first Spanish journals to be indexed in Scopus (year 2008), where it is in the first quartile (Q1) in Cultural Studies, in Comunicación and Educación, being for Comunicación, Educación y Cultural Studies the best positioned Spanish journal.
· 2022: JIF = 5.6. Education & Educational Research: 17/265 (Q1); Communication: 9/96 (Q1).
· 2022: CiteScore = 10.90. Education: 25/1469 (Q1); Communication: 9/493 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 1/1203 (Q1).
· 2021: CiteScore = 9.80. Education: 17/1407 (Q1); Communication: 9/467 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 2/1128 (Q1).
· 2020: CiteScore = 7.30. Education: 24/1319 (Q1); Communication: 14/426 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 2/1037 (Q1).
· 2019: CiteScore = 5.60. Education: 43/1254 (Q1); Communication: 19/387 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 2/1002 (Q1).
· 2018: CiteScore = 4.80. Education: 53/1179 (Q1); Communication: 15/355 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 3/980 (Q1).
· 2017: CiteScore = 4.60. Education: 57/1024 (Q1); Communication: 15/308 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 5/852 (Q1).
· 2016: CiteScore = 4.10. Education: 67/978 (Q1); Communication: 17/282 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 6/758 (Q1).
· 2015: CiteScore = 3.30. Education: 99/940 (Q1); Communication: 25/252 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 11/702 (Q1).
· 2014: CiteScore = 2.10. Education: 195/909 (Q1); Communication: 50/246 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 24/663 (Q1).
· 2013: CiteScore = 1.10. Education: 399/888 (Q2); Communication: 81/234 (Q2); Cultural Studies: 69/636 (Q1).
· 2012: CiteScore = 0.80. Education: 462/836 (Q3); Communication: 94/219 (Q2); Cultural Studies: 92/574 (Q1).
· 2011: CiteScore = 0.50. Education: 521/787 (Q3); Communication: 111/195 (Q3); Cultural Studies: 136/530 (Q2).
Cultural Studies | Q2 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Communication | Q3 | Q2 | Q2 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Education | Q3 | Q3 | Q2 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
SJR Impact Factor
Comunicar SJR: It is one of the first Spanish journals to be indexed in SJR (year 2008), where it is in the first quartile (Q1) in Cultural Studies, in Communication and Education, being the best positioned Spanish journal.
· 2022: SJR = 1.412. Education: 80/1438 (Q1); Communication: 34/471 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 8/1199 (Q1).
· 2021: SJR = 1.382. Education: 92/1381 (Q1); Communication: 36/458 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 6/1141 (Q1).
· 2020: SJR = 1,217. Education: 138/1543 (Q1); Communication: 36/507 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 9/1103 (Q1).
· 2019: SJR = 1.092. Education: 149/1401 (Q1); Communication: 44/445 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 16/1093 (Q1).
· 2018: SJR = 0,851. Education: 193/1222 (Q1); Communication: 58/411 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 24/943 (Q1).
· 2017: SJR = 0,851. Education: 169/1024 (Q1); Communication: 47/306 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 22/819 (Q1).
· 2016: SJR = 1,162. Education: 95/1000 (Q1); Communication: 24/272 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 12/728 (Q1).
· 2015: SJR = 1,314. Education: 90/977 (Q1); Communication: 21/270 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 7/717 (Q1).
· 2014: SJR = 0,715. Education: 212/959 (Q1); Communication: 51/254 (Q1); Cultural Studies: 22/710 (Q1).
· 2013: SJR = 0,307. Education: 491/1222 (Q3); Communication: 113/324 (Q2); Cultural Studies: 109/872 (Q1).
· 2012: SJR = 0,361. Education: 419/1175 (Q2); Communication: 84/290 (Q2); Cultural Studies: 66/829 (Q1).
· 2011: SJR = 0,203. Education: 574/1115 (Q3); Communication: 110/264 (Q3); Cultural Studies: 146/755 (Q2).
· 2010: SJR = 0,196. Education: 499/964 (Q3); Communication: 92/201 (Q3); Cultural Studies: 110/640 (Q1).
· 2009: SJR = 0,1. Education: 615/844 (Q4); Communication: 124/173 (Q4); Cultural Studies: 364/551 (Q4).
Cultural Studies | Q4 | Q1 | Q2 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Communication | Q4 | Q3 | Q3 | Q2 | Q2 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Education | Q4 | Q3 | Q3 | Q2 | Q3 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | Q1 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
Other indications of the quality of the journal: Comunicar is found in the main evaluation products of national and international journals (DICE, RESH, IN-RECS, FECYT, LATINDEX and ULRICH). It is present in the Latindex catalogue, fulfilling 33/33 criteria of scientific quality used in this catalogue. It is also indexed in the DICE produced by the EPUB group of the Higher Council of Scientific Research. If we consult other scientific journal evaluation products such as RESH (Spanish Social Sciences and Humanities Journals) of CSIC, we can certify and verify that the journal meets all the quality criteria required by ANECA 22/22 and CNEAI 16/16.
Indications of the quality of the article: In this section should be put the indications that could have the article, mainly quotations received, however the journal Comunicar includes a series of alternative metrics (PlumX, Dimensions) that allow to know the number of times that have been visualized, cited by distinguishing the origin of the source (CrossRef, Google Scholar, Scopus or Web of Science), the number of times the work has been discussed on social networks (Facebook and Twitter), as well as the number of people who have the article in their bibliographic reference manager (Mendeley or CiteUlike).