Alberto Fernández-Costales, University of Oviedo (Spain)
Noa Talaván, National University of Distance Education (Spain)
Antonio J Tinedo, National University of Distance Education (Spain)
Didactic translation, audiovisual translation, language teaching, language didactics, foreign language, digital literacy
The current paper reports on the results of a national research project investigating the use of didactic audiovisual translation (DAT) in foreign language teaching. Although previous research in this field concludes that there are positive outcomes in students’ learning, most studies rely on small samples and analyse one language skill only. The TRADILEX project aims at examining the effect of several modes of audiovisual translation (AVT) -i.e., subtitling, dubbing, subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing, audio description and voiceover- in oral and written skills of university students learning English as a foreign language. This article assesses the effectiveness of a didactic proposal that includes 30 lesson plans through an intervention carried out with 566 participants from eight universities in Spain. The study relies on a quantitative design, and statistical tests (descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon Test) were carried out to estimate the effect of DAT on oral and written reception and oral and written production of the students. Our results underline that there are statistically significant differences that confirm students improved in the four communicative skills in the foreign language. Besides, there is a positive evolution in students’ achievement during the study, and participants report a favourable perception of the didactic intervention.
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Technical information
Received: 27-02-2023
Revised: 18-03-2023
Accepted: 02-05-2023
OnlineFirst: 30-06-2023
Publication date: 01-10-2023
Article revision time: 19 days | Average time revision issue 77: 32 days
Article acceptance time: 64 days | Average time of acceptance issue 77: 76 days
Preprint editing time: 171 days | Average editing time preprint issue 77: 183 days
Article editing time: 216 days | Average editing time issue 77: 228 days
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How to cite
Fernández-Costales, A., Talaván, N., & Tinedo, A.J. (2023). Didactic audiovisual translation in language teaching: Results from TRADILEX. [Traducción audiovisual didáctica en enseñanza de lenguas: Resultados del proyecto TRADILEX]. Comunicar, 77, 21-32.