
English as a second language, online learning, confidence in English, online learning anxiety, familiarity with education technology, post-pandemic


Adopting online learning as a mandated means of instruction amid the pandemic guaranteed students the opportunity to integrate digital technologies for English language learning. This experience was pivotal in investigating the continuous use of these platforms to facilitate online language learning post-pandemic. However, few studies have focused on this context, especially considering the psychological aspects of language learning through these gained learning experiences. Therefore, this study explores this narrative based on the technology acceptance model and external factors such as confidence in English (CONF), online learning anxiety (ANX), and familiarity with education technology (EdTech). Using the partial least square approach, data from the 530 Malaysian undergraduates analysed revealed that perceived ease of use (PEOU) precedes perceived usefulness (PU) as the most crucial factor influencing attitude and intention to use online learning. Likewise, CONF and ANX had stronger associations with PEOU than PU, but EdTech was found to be inconsequential towards attitude and PU. The results of this study underline the importance of PEOU that heralds PU in determining the continuous use of online tools for English language learning in higher educational institutions.

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Received: 28-02-2023

Revised: 24-03-2023

Accepted: 02-05-2023

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Suparman, I., Kumar, J.A., & Osman, S. (2023). English learners’ intentions to adopt online learning post-pandemic: Ease precedes usefulness. [El aprendizaje en línea de inglés después de la pandemia: La facilidad precede a la utilidad]. Comunicar, 77, 33-45.



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