User-generated content, digital illiteracy, war photojournalism, collaborative journalism, post-truth, and social networks
The research is focused on the emerging practices of digital photojournalism in war contexts, in relation to the use of user-generated content from social networks. The focal point is the coverage of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict by the two main online newspapers of the belligerent countries: Ukrayinska Pravda and Rossiyskaya Gazeta. From the analysis of an initial sample of 7,194 articles (6,646 Ukrainian and 548 Russian), published during the first semester of the war, the preferred type of graphic content and the degree of presence of images from the different social platforms will be determined. Likewise, the article offers a theoretical innovation on the current state of the routine of war digital photojournalism, introducing the definition of the concept of “false collective source” due to the appropriation of mechanisms of collective intelligence for potential propaganda purposes. The informative use of the social web has generated a transition from “gatekeeping” to “gatewatching” that makes it necessary to review the state of the art to avoid a possible instrumentalization of the role of users. Finally, a decalogue is proposed to combat digital illiteracy and identify new appropriation practices, by distinguishing the use of the social web as an information source versus its use as a mere distribution channel.
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Technical information
Received: 28-02-2023
Revised: 11-04-2023
Accepted: 02-05-2023
OnlineFirst: 30-06-2023
Publication date: 01-10-2023
Article revision time: 42 days | Average time revision issue 77: 32 days
Article acceptance time: 63 days | Average time of acceptance issue 77: 76 days
Preprint editing time: 170 days | Average editing time preprint issue 77: 183 days
Article editing time: 215 days | Average editing time issue 77: 228 days
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How to cite
Fernández-Castrillo, C., & Ramos, C. (2023). Social web and photojournalism: User-generated content of the Russo-Ukrainian war. [Web social y fotoperiodismo: Contenido generado por el usuario en la guerra ruso-ucraniana]. Comunicar, 77, 85-96.